Factors Affecting Outsourcing Decisions in the Implementation of Small and Medium Sized Cyber Shopping Shops

중소 사이버쇼핑숍 구현에서의 아웃소싱 결정요인에 관한 실증적 연구

  • Published : 2002.06.30


The internet-based electronic commerce is considered as a new strategic alternative to boost competitiveness for small and medium-sized enterprises(SMEs). However, very little research about them has been reported. Meanwhile, the cyber shopping shops in Korea are growing rapidly in their numbers, scales, and diversity of business models. The primary purpose of this study is to investigate the factors influencing outsourcing decisions in the implementation of small and medium-sized cyber shopping shops. Based on the previous studies on IS outsourcing, marketing channel, and their related theories, three areas of determinants(IT & organizational, product, marketing channel characteristics) were identified. Responses of 125 cyber shopping shops from e-mail survey indicate that IT capability, technical specificity of shop implementation, degree of product customization, average amount of order, marketing capability are negatively associated with outsourcing of cyber shopping shop implementation. The results also indicate that the outsourcing decision on systems implementation and marketing channel selection(direct/indirect selling) is performed separately.



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