The Effects of Requirement Uncertainty, Control Standardization, Interactions on Software Quality

요구사항 불확실성, 통제 표준화, 상호작용이 소프트웨어 품질에 미치는 영향

  • Published : 2002.12.31


Risk management or risk-based approach of software project management was developed to explain the effects of requirement uncertainty, control standardization, interactions on software quality. Based on a prior theory, five hypotheses were derived and empirically tested using a survey design. Data from 117 members in 3 SI companies support for the path model, and three of five hypotheses. The results showed that decreases in requirement uncertainty and increases in control standardization were directly associated with increases in the interactions between user and project teams, which, in turn, led to increases software quality. The findings suggested that the direct effect on software quality is primarily due to the interactions between user and project teams, rather than requirement uncertainty and control standardization.



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