Indoor Propagation Characteristics at 5.2GHz in Home and Office Environments

  • Published : 2002.09.01


This paper presents results of continuous wave and swept frequency response measurements over the frequency range of UNII lower and middle bands from 5.15GHz to 5.35GHz in indoor environments. From the continuous wave measurements at 5.2GHz, the excess path loss, and the statistical characteristics of the temporal and spatial fading were found. By sweeping the frequency over the band, envelope correlation as a function of frequency was found and the coherence bandwidth (CBW) was determined from the envelope correlation. Using a channel model, the CBW was used to evaluate RMS delay spread. The dependence of CBW on the antenna polarization was simulated and compared with the measurement results. The influence of room size and separation of transmitter and receiver for LOS paths on RMS delay spread was discussed.



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