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- 중풍학술대회논문집 v.1 중풍(뇌졸중) 김영석
- 東醫寶鑑 許浚
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- 대한한의학회지 v.15 no.1 의식장애를 동반한 졸중풍 급성기 환자에서 우황청심원 투여에 관한 고찰 김동웅;오승환;안일회;이언정;이형균;이승무 등
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- 우황청심원이 저산소증으로 유발된 지연성 신경세포사에 미치는 영향 김민석
- Neuron v.1 Glutamate Neurotoxity and Diseases of the Nervous System Dennis W. Choi.
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- J Neurochem v.68 no.4 Evidence that the early loss of membrane protein kinase C is a necessary step in the excitatory amino acid-induced death of primary cortical neurons Durkin JP;Tremblay R;Chakravarthy B;Mealing G;Morley P;Small D(et el)
- Prog Neurobiol v.62 no.3 Mechanisms underlying hypoxia-induced neuronal apoptosis Banasiak KJ;Xia Y;Haddad GG
- J Neurochem v.66 no.3 An early loss in membrane protein kinase C activity precedes the excitatory amino acid-induced death of primary cortical neurons Durkin JP;Tremblay R;Buchan A;Blosser J;Chakravarthy B;Mealing G(et el)
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- 우황청심원이 인체내피세포의 NOS 및 세포부착인자 유전자 발현에 미치는 영향에 관한 분자생물학적 연구 문상관
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- J Neurochem v.59 no.3 Regulatory interactions among axon terminals affecting the release of different transmitters from rat striatal slices under hypoxic and hypoglycemic conditions Milusheva E;Doda M;Pasztor E;Lajtha A;Sershen H;Vizi ES
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- J Neurophysiol v.85 no.3 Hypoglycemia enhances ionotropic but reduces metabotropic glutamate responses in substantia nigra dopaminergic neurons Mercuri NB
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- Science v.275 no.5303 The release of cytochrsome c from mitochondria: a primary site for Bcl-2 regulation of apoptosis Kluck RM;Bossy-Wetzel E;Green DR;Newmeyer DD