- 임상중풍학 김영석
- J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry v.46 Recovery after stroke. Skilbeck CE;Wade DT;Hewer RL;Wood VA
- Int Disabil Stud v.11 Measuring arm impairment and disability after stroke Wade DT
- Int Disabil Stud. v.12 Gait recovery after hemiplegic stroke Friedman PJ
- Arch Phys Med Rehabil v.67 Slot machine: their use in rehabilitation after stroke Smedley RR;Fiorino AJ;Soucar E;Reynolds D;Smedley WP;Aronica MJ
- Arch Phys Med Rehabil v.74 Technique to improve chronic motor deficit after stroke Taub E;Miller NE;Novack TA;Cook EW;Fleming WC;Nepomuceno CS;Connell JS;Crago JE
- Neurology v.53 Robot training enhanced motor outcome in patients with stroke maintained over three years Volpe BT;Krebs HI;Hogan N;Edelstein L;Diels C;Aisen M
- Stroke v.29 Neuromuscular stimulation for upper extremity motor and functional recovery in acute hemiplegia Chae J;Bethous F;Bohinc T;Dobos L;Davis T;Friedl A
- Stroke v.30 Electrical stimulation of wrist extensors in poststroke hemiplegia Powell J;Pandyan AD;Granat M;Cameron M;Stott DJ
- Am J Acupuncture v.21 Effective acupuncture therapy for stroke and cerebrovascular disease:Part I. Chen A
- Acupunct Electrother Res v.15 108 cases of hemiplegia caused by stroke: the relationship between CT scan results, clinical findings and the effect of acupuncture treatment Chen YM;Fang YA
- Neurology v.43 Can sensory stimulation improve the functional outcome in stroke patients? Johansson K;Lindgren I;Widner H;Wiklund I;Johansson BB
- Neuroepidemiology v.12 A randomized controlled trial on the treatment for acute patial ischemic stroke with acupuncture Hu HH;Chung C;Liu TJ;Chen RC;Chen CH;Chou P;Huang WS;Lin JCT;Tsuei JJ
- Acupunct Electrother Res v.19 no.4 Acupuncture in the treatment of paralysis in chronic and acute stroke patients: Improvement correlated with specific CT scal lesion sites Naeser MA;Alexander MP;Stiassny-Elder D;Galler V;Hobbs J;Bachman D
- Clin Rebabil v.11 A one year follow-up study on the effects of acupucture in the treatment of stroke patients in the subacute stage: a randomized, controlled study Kjendahl A;Sallstrom S;sten PE;Stanghelle JK
- Am J Phys Med Rehabil v.78 no.2 Clinical trial of electrical acupuncture on hemiplegic stroke patients Wong AM;Su TY;Tang FT;Cheng PT;Liaw MY
- Stroke v.29 no.10 Effects of acupuncture treatment on daily life activities and quality of life. A controlled, prospective, and randomized study of acute stroke patients Gosman-Hedstrom, G;Claesson L;Klingenstierna U;Carlsson J;Olausson B;Frizell M;Fagerberg B;Blomstrand C
- Scand J Rehabil Med v.7 The poststroke hemiplegic patient, I: a method for evaluation of physical performance Fugl-Meyer AR;Jaasko L;Leyman I;Olsson S;Steglind S
- Phys ther. v.73 Reliability of the Fugl-Meyer assessment for testing motor performance in patients following stroke Sanford J;Moreland J;Swanson LR;Stratford PW;Gowland C
- 경희의학 v.13 no.4 뇌경색 환자의 혈압, 맥박 및 뇌혈류에 대하여 수구-승장혈 전침자극이 미치는 영향 박성욱;문상관;고창남;조기호;김영석;배형섭;이경섭
- 경희의학 v.16 no.1 뇌경색 환자의 뇌혈류에 대하여 건측 및 환측 침치료가 미치는 영향에 관한 비교 연구 문상관;조기호;고창남;김영석;배형섭;이경섭
- 대한침구학회지 v.14 no.1 중풍마비에 활용된 애구법의 임상응용에 관한 연구 윤병현;김갑성
- 한방재활의학과학회지 v.9 no.1 전침과 근력 운동이 하지 골격근의 근섬유 조성과 혈중 호르몬에 미치는 영향 오재근;정석회;이종수;김성수;신현대
- 혜화의학 v.1 no.2 중풍의 침구치료에 대한 문헌적 고찰 안택원;변일
- J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry v.46 The hemiplegic arm after stroke: measurement and recovery Wade DT;Langton-Hewer R;Wood VA;Skilbeck CE;Ismail HM
- Am J Phys Med Rehabil v.74 no.3 Admission motor impairment as a predictor of physical disability after stroke rehabilitation Chae J;Johnston M;Kim HK;Zorowitz R
- Stroke v.23 no.8 Measurement of motor recovery after stroke: outcome assessment and sample size requirements Duncan PW;Goldstein LB;Matchar D;Divine GW;Feussner J
- Arch Phys Med Rehabil v.76 Outcome and time course of recovery in stroke. Part II: Time course of recovery: the Copenhagen Stroke Study Jorgensen H;Nakayama H;Raaschon H;Vive-Larsen J;Stoier M;Olsen T
- Acupunct Electrother Res v.1 no.1 Pathophysiology of acupuncture treatment: Effects of acupuncture on cardiovascular and nervous system Omura Y
- 경희의학 v.9 수구혈 전침자극이 실험적 뇌경색의 국소 뇌혈류량에 미치는 영향 윤상협
- American J Acupuncture v.24 Obsevaitons on brain perfusion before and after acupuncture treatment of phantom limb pain: a case report Liaw MY;You DL;Cheng PT;Wong AM;Lu CS
- Am J Phys Med Rehabil v.80 no.1 Functional MRI evidence of cortical reorganization in upper-limb stroke hemiplegia treated with constraint-induced movement therapy Levy CE;Nichols DS;Schmalbrock PM;Keller P;Chakeres DW
- 대한침구학회지 v.18 no.2 족삼리 전침자극이 뇌혈류에 미치는 영향에 관한 핵의학적 고찰 김일두;오희홍;송호천;범희승;변재영;안수기
- Ann Neurol v.29 The functional anatomy of motor recovery after stroke in humans: A study with Positron Emission Tomography Chollet F;Dipiero V;Wise RJ;Brooks DJ;Doran RJ;Frackowiak RSJ
- Ann Neurol v.31 Funtional reorganization of the brain in recovery from striatocapsular infarction in man Weiller C;Chollet F;Friston KJ;Wise RSJ;Frackowiak RSJ
- Stroke v.30 Reorganization of sensory and motor systems in hemiplegic stroke patients: A positron emission tomography study Nelles G;Spiekermann G;Jueptner M;Leonhardt G;Iler S;Gerhard H;Diener HC
- Annu Rev Pharmacol Toxicol v.22 Neurochemical basis of acupuncture analgesia Han JS;Terenius L
- Neurosci Lett. v.97 Acupuncture and sensory neuropeptides increase cutaneous blood flow in rats Jansen G;Lundeberg T;Kjartansson S;Samuelson UE
- Brain Res v.666 no.1 Effects of electroacupuncture and physical exercise on regional concentrations of neuropeptides in rat brain Bucinskaite V;Lundeberg T;Stenfors C;Ekbom A;Dahlin L;Theodorsson E
- Stroke v.25 Sensory stimulation promotes normalization of postural control after stroke Magnusson M;Johansson K;Johansson BB