- 黃帝內經 素問校注語譯 郭靄春(編著)
- Pain v.4 The formalin test: a quantitative study of the analgesic effects of morphins, meperidine and brain stem stimulation in rats and cat Dubuisson D;Dennis SD
- Pain v.30 The formalin test in mice: dissociation between inflammatory and non-inflammatory pain Hunskaar S;Hole K
- Br. J. Pharmacol v.90 Afferent c-fiber and A delta activity in models of inflammation Heapy CC;Jamieson A;Russell NJW
- Neuroscience Letters v.208 Formalin induces biphasic activity in c-fibers in the rat McCall WD;Tanner KD;Levine JD
- J. Neurochem v.51 Extracellular amino acid concentration ein the dorsal spinal cord of feely moving rats following veratridine and nociceptive stimulation Skilling SR;Smullin DH;Beitz AJ;Larson AA
- Neuroscience v.30 Stimulus specificity of peripherally evoked substance P release from the rabbit dorsal horn in situ Kuraishi D;Hirota N;Sato Y;Hanashima N;Takagi H;Satoh M
- Neuropharmacology v.33 Electrophysiological evidence for a role of nitric oxide in prolonged chemical nociception in the rat Haley JE;Kickenson AH;Schachter M.
- Neuroendocrinology v.62 Effect of formalin-induced pain on ACTH beta-endorphin, corticosterone and interleukin-6 plasma levels in rat Aloisi AM;Albonetti ME;Muscettola M;Facchinetti F;Tanganeli C;Carli G
- Nature v.328 Induction of c-Fos like protein in spinal cord neurons following sensory stimulation Hunt SP;Pini A;Evan G
- Neuroscience v.48 c-Fos expression in rat lumbar spinal cord during the development of adjuvant-induced arthritis Abbadie C;Besson JM
- J.comp. Neurol v.296 Expression of c-Fos like protein as a marker for neuronal activity following noxious stimulation in the rat Bullitt E
- J. comp. Neurol v.313 Specific temporal and spatial distribution of JUN, FOS and KROX-24 proteins in spinal neurons following noxious transsynaptic stimulation Herdegen T.;Kovary K.;Leah J.;Bravo R
- Neuron v.6 Molecular pathways of pain; fos / jun-mediated activation of a non-canonical AP-1 site in the prodynorphin gene Naranjo JR;Mellstr m B;Achaval M;Sassone-Corsi P
- Neuroscience v.42 The antinociceptive action of supraspinal opioids results from an increase in descending inhibitory controls: correlation of nociceptive behaviour and c-fos expression Gogas KR;Presley RW;Levine JD;Basbaum AI
- 鍼灸大成校釋 楊繼洲(著)
- Pain v.70 no.1 Optimal scoring strategies and weights for the formalin test in rats Watson GS;Sufka KJ;Coderre TJ
- 黃帝內經 靈樞校注語譯 郭靄春(編著)
- 難經今釋 唐湘淸(編著)
- 備急千金要方 no.3 欽定四庫全書
- 동양의학의 과학적접근과 임상 민병일;김덕곤(역)
- Scand J Rehab. Suppl. v.32 Pain physiology and principles of treatment Thomas Lundeberg
- 통증의학 2판 대한통증학회(저)
- 생리학 6판 성호경;김기환
- J. Neurosci v.12 The role of NMDA receptor-operated calcium chnnels in persistent nociception after formalin-induced tissue injury Coderre TJ;Melzack R
- Neurosci Lett. v.121 Evidence for role of the NMDA receptor reduces spinal nociception in the rat Dickenson AH;Sullivan AF
- J. Neurophysio v.70 Differential effects of cutaneous and deep application of inflammatory irritant on mechanoreceptive field properties of trigerminal brain stem nociceptive neurons Yu XM;Sessle BJ;Hu JW
- Pain v.42 The formalin test in mice: effect of formalin concentration Rosland JH;Tjolsen A;Maehle B;Hole K
- Molecular Brain Research v.43 Brain substrates activated by electroacupuncture of different frequencies(Ⅰ): Comparative study on the expression of oncogene c-fos and genes coding for three opioid peptides Guo HF;Tian JH;Wang XM;Fang Y;Hou YP;Han JS
- Brain Research v.68 Pain reduction by focal electrical stimulation of the brain: An anatomical and behavioral analysis Mayer DJ;Liebeskind JC
- Pain v.23 Possible involvement of opioid peptides of caudate nucleus in acupuncture analgesia He LF;Lu RL;Zhuang SY(et al.)
- Pain v.24 Relationship between Electroacupuncture Analgesia and Descending Pain inhibitory mechanism of Nucleus Raphe Magnus Liu X;Zhu Bing;Zhang SX
- Brain Res. Bull v.30 no.1;2 The acupuncture point and its connecting central pathway for producing acupuncture analgesia Takeshige C;Oka K;Mizuno T(et al.)
- Chen Tzu Yen Chiu v.18 no.1 The control of somatosensory area Ⅱ on the descending inhibitory pain activity of nucleus raphe magnus Jiang M, Liu X
- Science v.216 Organization of endogenous opiate and non-opiate pain control system Watkins LR;Mayer DJ
- Brain Research v.452 Electroacupucnture suppresses a nociceptive reflex: naltrexone prevents but dose not reverse this effect Bruce Pomeranz;Lazo Bibic
- Pain v.16 Naloxone fails to reverse pain thresholds elevated by acupuncture: acupuncture analgesia reconsidered Chapman CR;Benedetti C;Colpitts YH;Gerlach R