- 證治要訣(醫部全錄 VI) 戴思恭
- 證脈方藥合編 黃度淵
- 圓光大學校 大學院 博士學位論文 星香正氣散이 家토의 頭蓋內壓 및 血壓에 미치는 影響 文炳淳
- 國譯 中風각詮 張壽신(著);元泰喜(譯)
- 濟生方(醫部全錄 VI) 嚴用和
- 晴崗醫鑑 李鍾馨
- Progress in Brain Res. v.63 Selective vulnerability of the hippocampus to ischemia reversible and irreversible types of ischemic cell damage Kirino, T.;Tamura, A.;Sano, K.
- J. Neurosci. v.7 Glutamate neurotoxicity in cortical cell culture Choi, D.W.;Maulucci-Gedde, M.A.;Kriegstein, A.R.
- Neuron. v.5 21-Aminosteroids attenuate excitotoxic neuronal injury in cortical cell cultures Monyer, H.;Hartley, D.M.;Choi, D.W.
- J. Neurosci. v.15 Mitochondria production of reactive oxygen species in cortical neurons following exposure to N-methyl-D-aspartate Dugan, L.L.;Sensi, S.L.;Canzoniero, L.M.T.;Choi, D.W.
- Neurosci Lett. v.120 Reduction of delayed neuronal death by inhibition of protein synthesis Shigeno, T.;Yamasaki, Y.;Kato, G.;Kusaka, K.;Mima, T.;Takakura, K.;Graham, D.I.;Eurukawa, S.
- 大田大學校 大學院 碩士學位論文 星香正氣散이 흰쥐의 腦損傷에 미치는 影響 柳鍾三
- Statistical Methods Snedecor, G.H.;Cocham, W.G.
Signal transduction through NF-
${\kappa}$ B May, M.J.;Ghosh, S. - 大韓神經外科學. 神經外科學
- Neurosurgery v.42 Apoptosis in neurological disease Savitz, S.l.;Rosenbaum, D.M.
- Immunol(Today) v.14 Apoptosis Cohen, J.J.
- Am. J. Pathol. v.138 Tumor necrosis factor induces apoptosis in normal endotherial cells in vitro Robaye, B.;Mosselmans, R.;Fiers, W.;Dumont, J.E.;Galand, P.
- Eur. J. Biochem. v.254 Apoptosis signal by death receptors Klaus, S.O.;Davide, F.
- Nature v.376 Nicholson, D.W.;Ali, A.;Thomberry, N.A.;Vailancourt, J.P.;Ding, C.K.;Gallant, H.;Gereau, Y.;Griffin, P.R.;Lavelle, M.;Lazebnik, Y.A.
An essential role for NF-
${\kappa}$ B in preventing TNF-${\alpha}$ -induced cell death Amer, A.;David, B. -
TNF and cancer therapy-induced apoptosis: Potentiation by inhibition of NF-
${\kappa}$ B Wang, C.Y.;Marty, W.M.;Alber, S. Baldwin, Jr. -
Ann. Rev. Immunol.
Function and activation of NF-
${\kappa}$ B in the immune system Baeuerle, P.A.;Henkel, T. -
Ann. Rev. Immunol.
Structure, regulation and function of NF-
${\kappa}$ B Siebenlist, U.;Franzo, G.;Brown, K. - J. Neurosurg. v.77 Pathophysiology and treatment of focal cerebral ischemia Siesjo, B.K.
- 心系內科學 全國 韓醫科大學 心系內科學 敎室
- 劉河間三六書 劉完素
- 東垣十種醫書 李東垣
- 丹溪心法 朱丹溪
- 中醫臨床大全 v.上冊 楊思澍;張樹生;傳景華
- 證治準繩(I) 王肯堂
- Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA v.73 Establishment of a noradrenergic clonal line of rat adrenal pheochromocytoma cells which respond to nerve growth factor Greene, L.A.;Tischler, A.S.
- J. Biol. Chem. v.270 Fas- and tumor necrosis factor-induced apoptosis is inhibited by the poxvirus crmAgene poduct Tewari, M.;Dixit, V.M.
- Science v.278 Cheng, E.H.;Kirsh, D.G.;Clem, R.J.;Ravi, R.;Kastan, M.B.;Bedi, A.;Ueno, K.;Hardwick, J.M.
- Cell v.80 Transcriptional regulation by extracellular signals: mechanisms and specificity Hill, C.S.;Trisman, R.
- Nature(London) v.366 Proteins regulating Ras and its relatives Boguski, M.S.;McCormic, F.
- Nature(London) v.357 Involvement of p21 ras in activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase deVries-Smits, A.M.M.;Bergering, B.M.T.;Leevers, S.J.;Marshall, C.J.;Bos, J.L.
- Nature(London) v.372 Activation of stress-activated protein kinase by MEKK1 phosphorylation of its activator SEK1 Yan, M.;Dai, T.;Deak, C.J.;Kyriakis, J.M.;Zon, L.l.;Woodgett, J.R.;Templeton, D.J.