Growth and Yield by Livestock Excrements Application in Agrimonia pilosa Ledeb.

가축분 시용에 따른 짚신나물(Agrimonia pilosa Ledeb.)의 생육 및 수량

  • Published : 2002.10.01


This experiment was conducted to find out the effects of livestock excrements application on the growth and yield of leaf, stem and seed in Agrimonia pilosa Ledeb. the results were summarized as follow. In the soil after experiment, P2O5 and K contents were high in order of cattle droping 〈 pig droping 〈 chicken droping treatment. The plant height was increased cattle dropping〈 pig dropping〈 chicken dropping treatment plot. Number of stems was inclined to increase in the plot of 2,000 kg/10a application of chicken dropping and cattle dropping. Number of leaves was also increased 21.8∼51.6% by application 3,000 kg/10a of chicken and cattle dropping, and application 2,000 kg/10a of pig dropping, respectively. Dry weight of aerial part was high in order of 1,000〈 3,000〈 2,000 kg/10a〉control, on occasion 2,000 kg/10a treated, that was highest in the application of chicken dropping. Yield of seeds was also increased to 61% and 86% at the 2,000 kg/10a plot of pig and chicken dropping, respectively. While yield of seeds was increased 50% at the 3,000 kg/10a application of cattle dropping. Flowering ratio was 49.1% in control, 55.6, 58.9 and 68.3% in cattle, pig and chicken dropping with 2,000 kg/10a, respectively, on June 22. Flowering ratio was the highest in the plot of chicken dropping with 2,000 kg/10a.

본 연구는 가축분 종류 및 시용량이 선학초의 생육, 경엽수량 및 개화반응에 미치는 영향을 구명하여 적정 시용량을 알아보기 위하여 실시하였다. 가축분 종류는 우분, 돈분 및 계분으로 하고 시용량은 10a당 각각 1,000, 2,000, 3,000 kg을 시용하여 시험한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 시험후 토양특성은 P$_2$O$_{5}$, K는 우분, 돈분, 계분 순으로 높은 경향이었으며 계분 2,000 kg/10a이상시 용구에서는 적정 인산함량보다 높았다. 2. 주요생육은 우분, 돈분 및 계분 모두 2,000 kg/10a 처리구에서 가장 많았으며, 특히 계분2,000 kg/10a에서 가축분 종류간에는 우분〈 돈분〈 계분 순으로 높았다. 3. 전초수량은 돈분 및 계분 2,000 kg/10a 처리구에서 무시용 209 kg/10a에 비하여 각각 82%, 98% 증수되었다 4. 종자의 건물수량은 가축분 종류간에는 우분〈돈분〈 계분 순이었고, 시용량간에는 무처리구 1,000〈 3,000〈 2,000 kg/10a〉순으로 증수되 었다. 5. 개화기는 모든 가축분에서 시용량이 증가할수록 빨라지 는 경향이었고 종실수량은 우분〈 돈분〈 계분 순이었고, 가축분에 관계없이 2,000 kg/10a에서 가장 많았다.



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