- 언어와 행동 Bickerton, D.
- 지능은 어떻게 진화하는가 Calvin, W.H.
- Descartes' Error Damas, A.
- 수학적 경험 상 . 하 Davis, P.J.;R. Hersh
- Consciousness Explained Dennett, D.C.
- Social Constructivism as a Philosophy of Mathematics Ernest, P.
- The Story of American Freedom Foner, E.
- The World of Mathematics v.3 The crisis in intuition Hahn, H.;J.R. Newman(ed.)
- What is Mathematics Really? Hersh, R.
- Japan Who Governs? Johnson, C.
- Philosophy in the Flesh Lakoff, G.;M.Johnson
- The World of Mathematics v.3 The essence of mathematics Peirce, C.S.
- How the Mind Works Pinker, S.
- Personal Knowledge Polanyi, M.
- ad Infinitum Rotman, B.
- Mathematics as Sign Rotman, B.
- 인지과학의 철학적 이해 Varela;Thomson;Rosch
- Thought and Language Vygotsky, L.S.