- 한국가정관리학회지 v.18 no.2 청소년 소비자의 소비행동의 합리성에 영향을 미치는 요인 권미화;이기춘
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- Proceedings of the American Coucil on Consumer Interests Counting the coins: A Cross-cultural evaluation of the money beliefs and behaviors scale Bailey, W.C.;Lown, J.
- Journal of Consumer Studies and Home Economics v.17 A Cross-cultural examination of the psychology of attitudes towards money Baliey, W.C.;Lown, J.
- Consumer Interesis Annual v.40 An Exploratory study of the money beliefs and behaviors scale Using data from three nations Bailey, W.C.;Johnson, P.;Lawson, R.J.;Wiliams, P.K.;Lown, J.
- Journal of Consumer Research v.12 Materialism: Trait aspects of living in the material world Belk, R.W.
- Personality and Individual Differences v.5 Many sides of the coin: The Psychology of money usage Fumham, A.
- Journal of Economic Psychology v.17 Cross-cultural differences in materialism Ger, G.;Belk, R.W.
- Journal of Economic Psychology v.13 Compulsive buying: An Exploration into self-esteem and money attitudes Hanley, A.;Wilhelm, M.S.
- European Advances in Consumer Research v.3 Comparison of students' money attitudes: A Cross-cultural sampling of selected U.S. and Japan Universities Masuo, D.M.;Reddy, M.
- 4th Proceedings of Asian Consumer and Family Economics Association Conference Money Beliefs and Behaviors: A Comparison of Korean, Japanese and Asian American Female College Students Masuo, D.M.;Kim, J.H.;Malroutu, L.;Hanashiro, R.
- Journal of Organizational Behavior v.13 The meaing of money revisited Tang, T.L.
- Journal of Organizational Behavior v.14 The meaing of money: Extension and exploration of the money ethic scale in a sample of University students in Taiwan Tang, T.L.
- Personality and Individual Differences v.19 The development of a short money ethic scale: Attitudes toward money and pay satisfaction revisited Tang, T.L.
- Financial Counseling and Planning v.4 Financial satisfaction and assessment of financial progress: Importance of money attitudes Wilhelm, M.S.;Varcoe, K.;Fridrich, A.H.
- Journal of Personality Assessment v.46 The development of a money attitude scale Yamauchi, K.T.;Templer, D.I.
- 원광대학교 원대논문집 v.32-2 돈에 대한 태도에 대한 시험적 연구: MBBS 적용 및 비교문화적 관점 김정훈;정혜정