국내 주요 급식전문업체의 홈페이지 운영평가

Analysis of Management Status on Internet Home Pages of Korean Contracted Foodservice Companies

  • 김종군 (세종대학교 영양조리과학과) ;
  • 유양자 (세종대학교 영양조리과학과) ;
  • 차은석 (세종대학교 영양조리과학과) ;
  • 홍완수 (상명대학교 외식영양학과)
  • 발행 : 2002.04.01


This study was conducted to compare and analyze the management status of internet homepage of catering companies in Korea for improving internet marketing. An evaluation tool with 6 categories consisting of contents, information update, user's convenience, design, provision of related information, and accessibility was developed and used for the analysis of 6 major catering companies. A five-point likert scale (1=very badly organized, 5=very well organized) was used for evaluating above six categories. The overall mean score for six categories was 2.91 out of 5, showing below the average. The categories received less than 3 points were information update (2.16), user's convenience (2.33), and provision of related information (2.83). The scores for design was the highest (3.66), followed by accessibility (3.33), and contents (3.16). These results suggest that the internet homepaee of the catering companies should be improved especially in the provision of enough information and its update in order to promote their internet marketing.



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