- 지하수환경 v.5 선캄브라이기 변성암지역 먹는샘물의 수리화학적 특성 성익환;추창오;조병옥;이병대;김통권
- 지질공학 v.8 대보화강암과 불국사 화강암지역 먹는 샘물의 수리화학적 특성 조병욱;성익환;추창오;김통권;이인호
- 한국토양학회 공동심포지움 및 추계학술대회 전국먹는샘물 업체의 관리체계 조명욱;성익환;추창오;김통권;이인호
- 토양환경학회지 v.3 옥천계 변성암지역 먹는샘물의 수리지구화학적 특성 추창오;조병욱;성익솬;이병태;김통권
- 먹는샘물 관리시스템 구축연구(I) 환경부
- 먹는샘물 관리시스템 구축연구(II) 환경부
- 먹는샘물 관리샘물 관리시스템 구축연구(III) 환경부
- 먹는샘물 관리시스템 구축연구(IV) 환경부
- Hydrogeol v.10 Groundwater recharge and agricultural contamination Bohlke, J.k.
- Chem. Geol. v.176 Nitrogen in future biosphere studies Boyd, S.R
- Geosci. Jour. v.6 Evaluation of nitrate contr minatio source of unconfined ground water in the North Han river basin of Korea using nitrogen isotope ratios Choi, W.J.; Han, G.H.;Ro, H.M.;Yoo, S.H.;Lee, S.M.;
- Environmental Isotopes in Hydrogeology Clark, I.D.;Fritz, P.
- Ground Water v.23 Nirtogen-isotope fertilized fields, Long Island Flipse, W.J.;Bonner, F.T.
- Ground Water v.36 Sparial variation in nitrogen isotope values beneathe nitrate contamination sources Fogg, G.E.;Rolston, D.E.;Decker, D.L.;Louie, D.T.;Grismer, M.E.
- Ground Water v.17 Sources and concentrations of nitrate-nitrogen in gorund water of the contral Platte Region, Nebraska Gormly, J.R.;Spalding, R.F.
- Chem. Geol. v.59 Isotopic studies of nigrogen pollution in the hydrosphere and atmosphere-a review Heaton,T.H.E.
- Jour. Hydrol. v.62 Origin and History of Nitrate in confined groundwater in the western Kalahari Heaton, T.H.E.;Talma, A.S.;Vogel, J.C.
- Stable Isotope Geochemistry Hoefs, J.
- Geology v.27 Geologic nitrogen in terrestrial biochemical cycling Holloway, J.M.;Dahlgren, R.A.<0567:GNITBC>2.3.CO;2
- Chem. Geol. v.174 Nigrogen release from rock and soil under simulate field conditions Holloway, J.M.; Dahlgren, R.A.
- In Environmental tracers in subsurface hydrology Nitrate isotopes in groundwater systems Kendall, C.;Aravena, R.;Cook, P.G.(eds.);Herczeg, A.L.(eds.)
- Jour. Hydrol. v.42 Nitrogen-isotope ratio studies of soils and groundwater nitrate from alluvium fan aquifers in Texas Kreitler, C.W.
- Ground Water v.13 Natural soil nitrate;The cause of the nitrate contamination of ground water in Runnels County, Texas Kreitle, C.W.;Jones, D.C.
- Hydrological Processes. (in press) Geologic controls on the chemical behavior of nitrate in riverside alluvial aquifers Min, J.H.;Yun, S.T.;Kim, K.J.;Kim, H.S.;Kim, D.J.
- DSIR Bull. v.220 Oceanic nitrogen isotopes and their uses in determinating the source of sedimentary nitrogen Sweeney, R.E.;Liu, K.K.;Daplan, L.R.;Robinson, B. W.(ed)
- Geochem. v.10 Evaluation of the origin and fate of nitrate in the Abbotsford aquifer using the isotopes of 15N and 18O in No3-. Appl. Wassenaar, L.I.
- Chem. Geol. v.164 The isotopic composition of molecular nitrogen: implications on their origin in natural gas accumulations Zhu, Y.;B.;Fang. C.