한방재료를 첨가한 타조 추출액의 영양학적 특성에 관한 연구

A Study on the Nutritional Characteristics of Ostrich Extracts Added with Medicinal Herbs

  • 발행 : 2002.06.01


This study was undertaken to analyze chemical composition, macro- and micro-mineral contents of ostrich bone with flesh meat (BF), ostrich bone with flesh meat with herb medicine (BFll) and ostrich bone with internal organs (BI). Crude fat of the BFH was lower, but crude protein and crude ash of the BFH were significantly higher than those of the BF and the BI. Among the minerals, Ca, p, Mg, Fe, Cu, Zn content of the BFH were significantly higher than the content in the BF and the BI. The minerals, Pb, Cd and As were not detected in ostrich and herb medicine extracts. From the sensory test of ostrich and herb medicine, the preferences were in the fellowing order; ostrich bone with flesh meat with herb medicine (BFH), ostrich bone with flesh meat (BF), and ostrich bone with internal organs (BI) in extracts.



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