Brand Relationship Formation Process of Apparel Products(Part II)

의류제품의 상표관계 경로모형 연구(제2보)

  • 조희라 (숙명여자대학교 의류학과) ;
  • 이선재 (숙명여자대학교 의류학과)
  • Published : 2002.07.01


Amicable brand relationships between consumers and brands are connected with consumers' positive attitude and strong attachment to the brands; therefore, it is necessary to examine the factors which affect consumers in forming brand relationships. Through theoretical review, two variables, brand association and brand communication, were manifested as important factors in building brand relationships. The purposes of this study were to identify the different types of brand association, and to examine the influence of brand association and brand communication on brand relationships. The survey which focused on ten casual wear brands and 739 young female students was conducted from August 20 to September 12, 2000. Spss 8.0 was used for factor analysis and regression analysis. Brand association was further delineated into brand value association and brand personality association and each variable consisted of several factors. Both performance value and emotional value among brand value association factors and both pride and sincerity among brand personality association factors showed goons influence on building brand relationship. Brand communication showed significant influence on brand relationship directly and indirectly.



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  28. Journal of Marketing Research v.15 no.February Impact of Deals and Deal Retraction on Brand Switching Dodson,J.A.;Tybout A.M.;Sternthal,B.
  29. Journal of Consumer Research v.14 Assessing The Role of Emotions as Mediators of Consumer Responses to Advertising Holbrook,M.B.;Batra,R.
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  31. Advertising;mass communication in marketing(2nd.) Kirkpatrick,C.A.
  32. An information-processing model of advertising effectiveness;Behavioral and management science in marketing McGuire,W.J.;H.I.(ed.);David(ed.);A.J.Silk(ed.)
  33. Journal of Marketing Research v.18 no.August Are Product Attribute Beliefs the Only Mediator of Advertising Effects on Brand Attitude? Mitchell,A.A.;Olson,J.C.
  34. Journal of Advertising Research v.24 no.December/January How Personality Makes a Difference Pulmmer,J.T.
  35. Customer Behavior:consumer behavior and beyond Sheth,J.N.;Mittal,B.;Newman,B.I.
  36. Journal of Consumer Research v.9 no.December Self-concept in sonsumer behavior:A critical review Sirgy,M.J.
  37. Structure Capital Ⅰ: Knowledge Management Intellectual Capital, Currency and Double day Stewart,T.A.