A Parallel Control Scheme for ABR Services in ATM Networks

  • Ding, Q.L. (Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute Company Ltd. (ASTRI)) ;
  • Liew, S.C. (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
  • Published : 2002.06.01


This paper proposes a new scheme - parallel control scheme with feedback control (PCFC) for ABR services in ATM networks. The information from a source is split into a number of streams, for delivery over separate parallel connections with particular coding. At the receiver, the original information is reconstructed by the received packet from the parallel connections. The effects of PCFC on the network performance are due to two factors: Traffic splitting and load balancing. By combinations of analysis and simulation, this paper studies the implications of PCFC for how the ABR parameters should be scaled and the advantages of PCFC compared with other existing schemes.



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