Tolerance-based Point Classification Algorithm for a Polygonal Region

공차를 고려한 다각형 영역의 내외부 판별 알고리즘

  • 정연찬 (큐빅테크 큐빅기술연구소) ;
  • 박준철 (큐빅테크 큐빅기술연구소)
  • Published : 2002.06.01


This paper details a robust and efficient algorithm for point classification with respect to a polygon in 2D real number domain. The concept of tolerance makes this algorithm robust and consistent. It enables to define‘on-boundary’ , which can be interpreted as either‘in-’or‘out-’side region, and to manage rounding errors in floating point computation. Also the tolerance is used as a measure of reliability of point classifications. The proposed algorithm is based on a ray-intersection technique known as the most efficient, in which intersections between a ray originating from a given test point and the boundary of a region are counted. An odd number of intersections indicates that the point is inside region. For practical examples the algorithm is most efficient because most edges of the polygon region are processed by simple bit operations.



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