Topical Administration of Petrolatum Based Cyclosporine to: .Treatment of Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca in Dogs

Petrolatum을 기질로 한 cyclosporine 국소 점안에 의한 개의 건성 각결막염 치료

  • Published : 2002.06.01


Twenty-nine dogs with chronic keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS) were treated by topical administration of a petrolatum based 2% cyclosporine ointment twice daily. Causes and durations of KCS varied. Tear production increased in 25 of 32 eyes and clinical improvement in corneal health was noticed in 35 of 47 eyes. No serious adverse reactions were observed and only mild irritation was noticed by the owners immediately after the application of the ointment in some cases .



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