A Survey on the Feeding Practices of Women for the Development of a Breastfeeding Education Program - Breastfeeding Knowledge and Breastfeeding Rates -

모유수유 교육 프로그램 개발을 위한 여성들의 수유양상 기초조사 -수유관련 지식 수준 및 모유수유율-

  • Published : 2002.06.01


A survey was carried out to investigate the breastfeeding knowledge, breastfeeding rates ultra related factors among women in Seoul and the Chungbuk area, in order to obtain baseline data for the development of an education program on breastfeeding. Subjects included 671 lactating mothers who visited public health or pediatric centers, between December, 1999 and February, 2000 and were interviewed using a questionnaire. The results are as follows: In the breastfeeding knowledge, most of the subjects (93.4%) know correctly that 'breastfeeding is better for a baby's emotional development than formula feeding,'whereas only half of the subjects (51.7%) answered correctly the question on whether 'formula is more nutritious than breastmilk.'The breastfeeding rates were about 57%, 40%, 33% and 12%, respectively for baby's aged 1, 3, 6, and 12 months. These results showed that the breastfeeding rate rapidly decreased with the baby's age. Lower breastfeeding rates were associated with high educational level (college graduate and above), high income, mothers'employment, no experience of attending breastfeeding education programs, and no planning on breastfeeding prior to pregnancy. There was a significant relationship between the level of knowledge and breastfeeding practice; the higher the knowledge score, the higher the breastfeeding rate. In conclusion, an education program should be developed and offered for each low breastfeeding rate group, in order to promote breastfeeding.



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