Balanced Buck-Boost Switching Converter to Reduce Commom-mode Conducted Noise

  • Shoyama, Masahito (Dept. of Electrical and Electronic System Eng., Kyushu University) ;
  • Ohba, Masashi (Dept. of Electrical and Electronic System Eng., Kyushu University) ;
  • Ninomiya, Tamotsu (Dept. of Electrical and Electronic System Eng., Kyushu University)
  • 발행 : 2002.04.01


Because conventional switching converters have been usually using unbalanced circuit topologies, parasitice between the drain/collertor of an active switch and frame ground through its heat sink may generate the commom-mode conducted noise. We have proposed a balanced switching converter circuit, whitch is an effective way to reduce the commom-mode converter version of the balanced switching converter was presented and the mechanism of the commom-mode noise reduction was explained using equivalent circuits. This paper extends the concept of the balanced switch converter circuit and presents a buck-boost converter version of the blanced switching converter. The feature of common-mode niose reduction is confirmed by experimental resuits and the mechanisem of the commom-mode niose reduction is explained using equivalent circuits.



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  2. M. Shoyama, T. Okunaga, G. Li, and T. Ninomiya, 'Balanced Switching Converter to Reduce Common-Mode Conducted Noise', IEEE PESC 2001 Record, pp. 451-456 Jun. 2001