A Case Study of the Housing for Low Income Elderly in Melbourne, Australia

호주 멜버른 지역의 저소득층 노인주거 사례 연구

  • 이영심 (성균관대학교 건축과 Post-Doc 연구원) ;
  • 이상해 (성균관대학교 건축과)
  • Published : 2002.02.01


Housing is a central place fur elderly and it can be influenced to the quality of life for them. Most low income elderly has much problems on their housing. It needs to be developed for more various ones which considered in the way of their economic and physical conditions. This case study was aimed to supply (or a basic data for developing a housing for tow income elderly through the analysis of elderly housing of Melbourne in Australia. This study evaluated two types of government housing and five types of community housing available to elderly People on low income allowing them to live independently. Results of the research were as follows. 1) High rise apartment living was differentiated from other housing types. Such accommodation had drawbacks, for example it made the elderly difficult to get along with neighbours. 2) Community housing had more various types of housing than government housing and was aimed at encouraging community interaction between residents. Some community housing residents joined the management of the housing committee. As a result, it made the elderly very confident and promoted a good relationship between them and young generations. 3) The strength of community housing was that the elderly could choose the place to live within the community which was familiar to them. 4) The managers in broth government housing and community housing had many roles as adviser and mediator for residents as well as managing the complex. 5) A policy of housing for low income elderly is changing now from management by government appointees to one governed by the community 6) Most elderly prefer to live close to facilities such as medical and shopping centers and convenient transportation and wished to remain in their familiar community as long as possible.



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