강도비를 적용한 Rice-저항곡선과 변형경화를 고려한 $J_{\delta}$-저항곡선과의 비교

On Reliability and Comparison of $J_{Rice}$-Resistance considering Optimal Strength Ratio and $J_{\delta}$-Resistance Curves converted from CTOD using Appropriate Strength chosen according to Strain Hardening Level

  • 장석기 (목포해양대학교 기관공학부)
  • 발행 : 2002.01.01


The comparison of $J_{Rice}$-resistance considering a few strength ratio in Rice J-integral formula and $J_{\delta}$-resistance curves converted from experimental CTOD using appropriate strength chosen according to strain hardening level, n=10.6 (A533B steel) and n=8.1 (BS4360 steel) is carried out. The optimal dimensionless strength ratio like the factor of revision, (see full text)reflecting strain hardening level in Rice\`s experimental formula is found out and the reliability of appropriate reference strength chosen according to strain hardening level in different materials is investigated through doing that CTOD is transformed from $J_{\delta}$-integral using relationship between J-integral and CTOD. The results are as follows; 1) The optimal factor of revision is when m equals to 3 in (see full text) for Rice's and the above optimal factor of revision multiplies by coefficient, η in Rice's experimental formula instead of n=2, 2) and the pertinent reference strength for high strain hardening material like BS4360 steel is ultimate strength, $\sigma_{u}$ and for material like A533B steel is ultimate-flow strength, $\sigma_{u-f}$. The incompatible of the behavior of both experimental J-resistance curves using Rice's formula and CTOD-resistance curves for A533B and BS4360 steel by Gordon, et al., could be corrected using the optimal factor of revision in Rice\`s and the pertinent reference strength in J=$m_{j}$${\times}$$\sigma_{i}$${\times}$CTOD.



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