A Study on the Improvement of the Road Traffic Noise Prediction for Environmental Impact Assessment

환경영향평가시 도로교통소음예측에 관한 개선방안 연구

  • Published : 2001.12.31


Recently the road traffic noise has appeared as a significant environmental issue because of dramatic increase of vehicles and expansion of newly constructed road. Therefore, this study proposes the method that improves prediction factors and models through analysis of the existing road traffic noise prediction model. Prediction factors can be improved by establishing guideline for diffraction attenuation and applying daily traffic discharge, peak traffic discharge, and average traveling speed through an analysis of level service. Prediction must be made by periods of one or five years during 20 years. Prediction models also can be improved to include better prediction model through setting the database, establishing functional relation between physical properties and noise levels by acoustic analysis, and developing models for road traffic noise prediction in residential areas.
