Journal of the Korean Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (대한심미치과학회지)
- Volume 10 Issue 2
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- Pages.21-30
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- 2001
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- 1975-4191(pISSN)
Implant Restorations Using Fiber Reinforced Framework
Fiber Reinforced Framework를 이용한 Implant 수복증례
- Published : 2001.12.01
Fiber reinforced materials have favorable mechanical properties. Moreover, the strength to weight ratios of this material is superior to those of most alloys. Comparing to the metals, it showed many other advantages as well, including non-corrosiveness, translucency and easy repair characteristic. Since, it has the potential for the chair-side and laboratory fabrication, it is not surprising that fiber reinforced composites offer the potential for use in various applications in dentistry. To make the well-fitted restorations, Fiber reinforced composite (FRC) has been suggested as an alternative framework material for the implant supported fixed prosthesis. Two fixed partial denture fabrication procedures were tried. Vectris fiber was pressed to the EsthetiCone gold cylinder on the implant positioned cast. And then, Targis were added on it. In the other method, we used the customized component using UCLA abutment. The beads for retaining the Vectris fiber were added on the abutment. If careful laboratory and clinical techniques were done, these two techniques would fulfill the demands of the esthetics and strength.