The Development of Virtual Reality Therapy(VRT) System for the Treatment of Acrophobia

고소공포증의 치료를 위한 가상 현실 시뮬레이터의 제작

  • 백승은 (명지대 전기정보제어공학부) ;
  • 류종현 (명지대 전기정보제어공학부) ;
  • 백승화 (명지대 전기정보제어공학부)
  • Published : 2001.10.01


Acrophobia is an abnormal fear of heights. Medications or cognitive-behavior methods have been mainly used as a treatment. Lately the virtual reality technology has been applied to that kind of anxiety disorders. A virtual environment provides patient with stimuli which arouses phobia, and exposing to that environment makes him having ability to over come the fear. In this study, the elevator stimulator that composed with a position sensor, head mount display, and audio system, is suggested. To illustrate the physiological difference between a person who has a feel of phobia and without phobia, heart rate was measured during experiment. And also measured a person's HR after the virtual reality training and in a real building elevator. In this study, we demonstrated the subjective effectiveness of virtual reality psychotherapy through the clinical experiment.



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