Separation and Characterization of Dust and Ground Water Particulates Using Gravitational SPLITT Fractionation.


Split-flow thin (SPLITT) cell Fractionation(SF) is a technique that allows separation of particulates and macromolecules into two fractions. A gravitational SF(GSF) system is constructed and tested for its applicability for separation of dust and ground water particulates. When tested with polystyrene latex particles, experimental data were in good agreements with theory. The 9.8 and 21.4㎛ polystyrene particles were successuflly separated in a continuous mode, where the mixture is continuously fed into the GSF channel allowing separation in a large sacle. The GSF system is successfully applied to continuous separation of dust and ground water particels based on the sedimentation coefficient, which is closely related to the particle size. The separations were confirmed by microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysos.



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피인용 문헌

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