- 新編丹溪心法附餘 v.下 方廣
- 가정의학 醫學敎育硏修阮
- 대한한방내과학회지 v.19 no.1 四物湯이 老化白鼠 腦組織의 生化學約 變化에 미치는 影響 박종운;이기상;문병순
- 太平惠民和劑局方 陳師文
- 醫方集解 汪昻
- 素虛後世處方學 趙世衡
- 證脈 方藥合編 黃度淵
- 東醫臨床方劑學 尹吉榮
- HARRISON'S 내과학 해리슨 번역 편찬위원회
- 東醫方劑와 處方解說 尹用甲
- Mol Cell Biochem v.147 Oxidative stress and heart failure Singh, N.;Dhalla, A.K.;Seneviratne, C.;Singal, P.K.
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- J Biol Chem. v.72 Nitric oxide inhibits apoptosis by preventing increse in caspase-3 like activity via distinct mechanism Kim, Y.M.;Talanian, R.V.;Billiar, T.R.
- J Immunology 1 v.163 no.9 Granzyme B-induced loss of mitochondrial innter membrance potential(Delta Psi M) and cytochrome c release are caspase independent Heibein, J.A.;Barry, M.;Motyka, B.;Bleackley, R.C.
- Free radicals in biology and medicine The chemistry of oxygen radicals and other oxygen-derived species Halliwell, B.;Gutteridge, J.M.C.
- J Mol Cell Cardiol v.19 Mitochondrial hydrogen peroxide generation and activities of glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase following global ischemia Shlafer, M.;Myers, C.L.;Adkins, S.
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- Circ Res. v.78 no.4 Mechanism of hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl free radical-induced intracellular acidification in cultured rat cardiac myoblasts Wu, M.L.;Tsai, K.L.;Wang, S.M.;Wu, J.C.;Wang, B.S.;Lee, Y.T.
- Arch Biochem Biophys v.373 no.1 Hydrogen peroxide dose dependent induction of cell death or hypertrophy in cardiomyocytes Chen, Q.M.;Tu, V.C.;Wu, Y.;Bahl, J.J.
- Immunol Today v.14 Apoptosis Cohen, J.J.
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- Pathol Annu v.17 Necrosis and apoptosis distinct modes of cell death with fundamentally different significance Searle, J.;Kerr, J.F.R.;Bishop, C.J.
- Eur J Biochem v.254 Apoptosis signal by death receptors Klaus, S.O.;Davide, F.
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- Circ Res v.85 no.12 ARC inhibits cytochrome c release from mitochondria and protects against hypoxia-induced apoptosis in heart-derived H0c2 cells Ekhterae, D.;Lin, Z.;Lundberg, M.S.;Crow, M.T.;Brosiums, F.C. 3rd;Nunez, G.
- Proc Natl Acad Sci USA v.90 no.13 Signal transduction via the MAP kinase. proceed at your own RSK Blenis, J.
- J Biol Chem v.275 no.26 Nuclear mitogen-activated protein kinase activation by protein kinase czeta during reoxygenation after ischemic hypoxia Mizukami, Y.;Kobayashi, S.;Uberall, F.;Hellbert, K.;Kobayashi, N.;Yoshida, K.
- J Mol Cell Cardiol v.30 no.8 Role of p38 MAP kinase in myocardial stress Nagarkatti, D.S.;Sha'afi, R.I.
- Science v.270 Oppersing effect of ERK and JNK-p38 MAP kinase on apoptosis Xia, Z.;Dickens, M.;Raingaud, J.;Davis, R.J.;Greenberg, M.E.