- 최신정신의학 민성길
- Comprehensive handbook of psychopathology Rehm, L.P.;Tyndall, C.I.;Mood, Disorders;Sutker, P.B.(ed.);Adams, H.E.(ed.)
- Unipolar Depression The Medical basis of psychiatry Winokur, G.;Winokur, G.(ed.);Clayton, P.(ed.)
- 黃帝內徑素問今釋 王琦
- 동의정신의학 황의환;김지혁
- 中醫腦病證治 呂光榮;劉楚玉
- 신경정신의학 v.35 no.6 지각된 스트레스와 스트레스 대처방식이 직장인의 우울과 불안에 미치는 영향 최영민;이정호;이기철
- 정신신체의학 v.5 no.1 정신질환자들의 역기능적 태도, 스트레스 대처방식 및 우울증상 간의 관계 박찬무;서경란;이민규
- 신경정신의학 v.33 no.1 계절성 우울증의 신경내분비계 소견 송인권;신정호;박진한
- 古今醫統大全 v.上 徐春甫
- 景岳全書 張介賓
- TIPS v.12 Animal models as simulations of depression Willner, P.
- Reviews in Neuroscience v.1 The anatomy of melancholy : The catecholamine hypothesis of depression revisited Willner, P.
- Psychopharmacology v.83 The validity of animal model of depression Willner, P.
- Psychopharmacology v.134 no.4 Validity, reliability and utility of the chronic mild stress model of depression : a 10-year review and evaluation Willner, P.
- Physiol Behav. v.60 no.1 Decreased hedonic responsiveness following chronic mild stress is not secondary to loss of body weight Willner, P.;Moreau, J.L.;Nielsen, C.K.;Papp, M.;Sluzewska, A.
- Stress. v.7 no.2 The effect of Selective Serotonin Releasing Agents in the Chronic Mild Stress Model of Depression in Rats Maronal-Lewicka, D.;Nichols, D.E.
- Psychopharmacology v.109 Reversal of stress induced anhedonia by the atypical antidepressants, fluoxetine and maprotiline Muscat, R.;Papp, M.;Willner, P.
- Eur J Pharmacol v.296 no.2 Pharmacological validation of the chronic mild stress model of depression Papp, M.;Moryl, E.;Willner, P.
- Br J Pharmacol v.127 no.3 Influence of S-adenosyl- L-methionine on chronic mild stress-induced anhedonia in castrated rats Benelli, A.;Filaferro, M.;Bertolini, A.;Genedani, S.
- Neurosci Biobehav Rev v.5 no.2 Acute and chronic stress effect on open field activity in the rat : implications for a model of depression Katz, R.J.;Roth, K.A.;Carroll, B.J.
- 신경정신의학 v.37 no.2 Fluoxetine과 choline의 병합투여가 경도의 만성적 스트레스 처리한 백서의 수동적 회피학습에 미치는 영향 이기철;조선영;이정호;김현택
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- 太平惠民和劑局方 陳師文
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- 慶熙韓方處方集 경희대학교 한의과대학 부속한방병원
- 醫學入門 李천
- 萬病回春 공廷賢
- 心身症 黃義完
- Modern Problems of Pharmacopsyciatry v.14 Behavioral studies to differenciate anxiolytic and sedadive activity of the tranquilizing drugs Simson, P.;Soubrie, P.
- Experimental Age Research v.8 Age dependent changes changes in retention in rats Gold, P.E.;McGaugh, J.L.;Hankins, L.L.;Rose, R.P.;Vasquez, B.J.
- Neurobiology of Aging v.1 Brain cholinergic dysfunction and memory in aged rats Lippa, L.S.;Pelham, R.W.;Beer, B.;Critchet, D.J.;Dean, R.L.;Bartus, R.T.
- Acta Psychiatr Scand v.97 Executive deficits in major depression Degl'Innocenti, A.;Agren, H.;Backmam, L.
- J Affect Disorder v.21 Disappearnce of memory deficits inoutpatient depressive responding to imipramine Peslow, E.D.;Corwin, J.;Fieve, R.F.;Rotrosen, J.;Cooper, T.B.
- Psychological Reports v.29 Cholinergic mechanism and avoidance behavior : effects of nicotine in mice Essman, W.B.;Essman, S.G.
- 漢方後世要方解說 失數道明
- Physiol Behav v.56 no.5 Effects of chronic mild stress on performance in behavioural tests relevant to anxiety and depression and depression D'Aquila, P.S.;Brain, P.;Willner, P.