- 慶熙韓醫大論文集 v.21 no.1 茵陳淸肝湯이 HepG 2.2.15Cell의 HbeAg發顯抑制에 미치는 效果 禹弘楨;李長勳;金善珉
- 和漢醫藥學會雜 v.12 C型간염바이러스의 임파구계세포에의 감염에 대한 인삼양영탕의 영향(第1報) 古屋實;丁宗鐵
- 和漢醫藥學會雜 v.13 C型간염바이러스의 임파구계세포에의 감염에 대한 인삼양영탕의 영향(第2報) 古屋實;小林嵩雄;飯島廣治;丁宗鐵
- 일본동양의학잡지 v.45 한방약에 의한 C型간염바이러스의 임파구계세포에의 흡착억제 古屋實;飯島廣治;丁宗鐵
- Current Therapy v.16 no.11 인터페론 治療抵抗性 C型 慢性肝炎의 對策 熊田博光
- Current Therapy v.16 no.11 C型肝炎 바이러스와 肝發癌 小原慕子;小原道法
- Occup Med v.50 no.6 Hepatitis C virus Stevens, A.B.;Coyle, P.V.
- Sex Transm Infect. v.74 Sexual transmission of hepatitis C virus infection Rooney, G.;Gilson, R.J.
- Hepatology v.26 no.SUP.1 Management of Hepatitis C National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Conference Panel Statement
- 肝系內科學 全國韓醫科大學肝系內科學敎授(共著)
- 精校黃帝內經素問 洪元植
- 仲景全書 張仲景
- 茵陳淸肝湯이 MHV-2로 유발된 마우스의 損傷肝에 미치는 影響 金眞珠
- 제2회 韓中學術大會論文集 慢性B型肝炎에 대한 茵陳淸肝湯의 效果 禹弘楨
- 茵陳淸肝湯의 安全性에 대한 硏究 金英哲
- 茵陳淸肝湯加味方이 實驗的 흰쥐의 肝硬變症에 미치는 影響 姜京太
- 茵陳淸肝湯加味方이 肝細胞의 增殖能力에 미치는 影響 박용진
- 全國 韓醫學 學術大會 HCV환자에서 茵陳淸肝湯加味方 投與後 Anti-HCV역가의 變化 觀察15例 강우성;金英哲;李長勳;禹弘楨
- Analytical Biochemistry v.162 Single-step method of RNA Isolation by Acid Guandidinium Thiocyanate Phenol-Chloroform Extraction Chomczynski, P.;Sacchi, N.
- Current Therapy v.16 no.11 C型肝炎 바이러스 백신 開發 松浦善治;石井孝可;鈴木哲郎;宮村達男
- Infect Dis Clin North Am. v.14 no.3 Hepatitis C Cheney, C.P.;Chopra, S.;Graham, C.
- Vox Sang. v.75 Gollowup to HBV and HCV Carriers in a Blood Center Shimoyama, R.;Kato, T.;Ikada, H.;Sekiguchi, S.
- Hepatology v.20 Degree of Diversity of Hepatitis C Virus Quasispecies and Progression of Liver Disease Masao, H.
- Bull. Soc. Pathol. Exot. v.91 no.1 Genomic subtypes of hepatitis C virus:epidemiology, diagnosis and clinical consequences Nousbaum, J.B.
- 대한 내과학회지 v.49 no.4 C型 만성 간질환 환자에서 혈청 ALT치와 혈청 C型 간염 바이러스 개체수와의 관계 유권
- J Hepatology v.27 Significance of IgM anti-HCV core level in chronic hepatitis C Papatheodoridis, G.V.;Delladetsima, J.K.;K atsoulidou, A.;Sypsa, V.;Albrecht, M.;Michel, G.;Hatzakis, A.;Tassopoulos, N.C.
- Jo. Clinical Microbiology Preclinical Evaluation of AMPLICOR Hepatitis C Virus Test for Detection of Hepatitis C Virus RNA, Jo Fredericks, S.N.;Cathy, T.;Michael, W.F.
- 和漢醫藥學會雜誌 v.11 C型만성간염에 대한 인삼영양탕의 효과 丁宗鐵;小泉久仁;花輪壽顔
- 大韓內科學會誌 v.51 Therapeutic Efficacy of Interferon-in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C-change in Serum HCV-RNA & Anti-HCV 권소영
- Consensus Conference on the management of Hepatitis C the need for additional studies on interferon and enw or alternative treatment NIH
- Antiviral Research v.42 In vitro effect of amantadine and interferon-2a on hepatitis C virus markers in cultured peripheral blood mononuclear cells from hepatitis C virus-infected patients Julio, M.;Sonia, N.;Mario, F.;Miguel, R.;Margarita, P.;Juan, A.Q.;Friederike, Z.;Vicente, C.
- Archives of Virology v.143 Infection of hepatitis C virus adsorption to peripheral blood mononuclear cells by dextran sulfate Cribier, B.;Schmitt, C.;Kirn, A.;Stoll, K.F.
- Jo. Medical Virology v.57 Suramin Blocks Hepatitis C Binding to Human Hepatoma Cells In Vitro. Jo Garson, J.A.;Lubach, D.;Passa, J.;Whitby, K.;Grant, P.R.
- Transfusion v.30 no.4 Blood screening for non-A, non-B hepatitis by hepatitis C virus antibody assay Kaatayama, T.;Kikuchi, S.;Tanaka, Y.;Saito, I.;Miyamura, T.;Choo, Q.L.;Houghton, M.;Kuo, G.
- Hepatology v.23 Hepatitis C Virus:Detection of Intracellular Virus Particles by Electon Microscopy Shimizu, Y.K.;Feinstone, S.M.;Kohara, M.;Purcell, R.H.;Yoshikura, H.
- Virology v.208 no.2 Antibodies in human sera specific to hypervariable region 1 of hepatitis C virus can block viral attachment Zibert, A.;Schreier, E.;Roggendorf, M.
- Minophagen Medical Review v.41 no.3 劇症性肝炎과 Fas 抗原 梁京賢
- Clin Exp Immunol. v.109 Impairment of natural killer cytotoxic activity in hepatitis C virus infection Corado, J.;Toro, F.;Riyera, H.;Bianco, N.E.;Deibis, L.;DeSanctis, J.B.
- Jo. General Virology v.79 In vitro infection of adult normal juman hepatocytes in primary culture by hepatitis C virus. Jo Chantal, F.
- Int J Immunopharmacol v.22 Modulation of Lung local immune responses by oral administraion of a herbal medicine Sho-saiko-to Ohtake, N.;Suzuki, R.;Daikuhara, H.;Nakai, Y.;Yamamoto, M.;Amagaya, S.;Ishige, A.;Sasaki, H.;Komatsu, Y.;Fukuda, K.;Hayashi, S.
- 慶熙大擧校大學院 학위논문 茵陳淸肝湯加味方이 肝細胞의 增殖能力에 미치는 影響 박용진