압전 지능 구조물을 이용한 통계적 에너지 해석 기법

Application of Piezoelectric Smart Structures for Statistical Energy Analysis

  • 발행 : 2001.04.01


In this research, piezoelectric smart structures are applied for SEA(Statistical Energy Analysis), which is well known approach for high frequency analysis. A new input power measurement based on piezoelectric electrical power measurement is proposed and compared with the conventional method in SEA. As an example, a simple aluminum beam on which piezoelectric actuator is attached is considered. By measuring the electrical impedance and electrical current of the piezoelectric actuator, the electrical power given on the actuator is found and this is In turn converted into the mechanical energy. From the measured value of the stored energy of the beam, the Internal loss factor is calculated and this value shows a good agreement with that given by the conventional method as well as the theoretical value. To compare the coupling loss factor, L-shape beam system which consists of a aluminum beam subsystem and a steel beam subsystem coupled by three pin is taken as second example. The input power and stored energy of each subsystem are found by the proposed approach. The coupling loss factor found by the electrical input power obtained from the piezoelectric actuator exhibits similar trend to the value found by the conventional method as well as the theoretical value. In conclusion, the use of SEA for high frequency application of piezoelectric smart structures is Possible. Especially, the input power that is essential for SEA can be found accurately by measuring the electrical input power of the piezoelectric actuator.
