- 農水産統計年譜 水産廳
- 淺海養殖 60種 伊丹 廣三
- 日水誌 v.29 no.6 マダユ稚子の飼育について 伊丹 廣三
- Physical Oceanography Knauss, John A.
- 漁具學 金大安
- 淺海增殖學 田村 正
- J. Exp. Bidl. v.34 no.1 The function of the brain of octopus intactile discrimination Well, M.J.;Well, J.
In order to investigate the influence of sea condition on the catch fluctuation of long line for common octopus, octopus variabilis. the oceanographic factors. I .e., the water temperature, the salinity and the density in the coastal waters of Yosu from Jan 11 to Jul. 25 in 1997 and compared with the catches of common octopus, octopus variabilis by long line. The results obtained summerized as follows ; 1) The range of water temperature, salinity and density from Jan. to Jul. at the sea area were 4.1∼23.6℃. 31.7∼34.5‰ and 21.30∼27.81. respectively, and the catch of common octopus, octopus variabilis was high respectively at the temperature of 17∼20℃ at the salinity of 33.0∼33.5‰ and at the density of σ/sub t/ 22.5∼24.0. 2) The catch of common octopus. octopus variabilis was lowest from Jan. to Feb. and highest from May to June.
낙지 주낙 어장의 환경요인이 어획량에 미치는 영향을 조사하기 위하여 1997년 1월부터 7월까지 여수연안의 가막만 어장에서 수온, 염분 및 밀도 등과 어획량을 각각 조사하고 이들을 서로 비교 분석한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1) 낙지 주낙 어장에서 I~7월에 걸친 수온과 염분 및 현장밀도의 분포범위는 각각 401~23.