- 안동대학교 국제학술대회 발표원고 자연의 탈마법화와 휴머니즘의 재마법화: 현대 생태사사의 자연-신비주의 비판 구승희
- 베르그송주의;Le Bergsonisms 김재인(역);Deleuze, G.
- 문순홍, 생태학의 담론: 담론의 생태학, 솔 시간, 공간 그리고 생물지역론 문순홍
- 스피노자의 철학;Spinoza Philosophie pratique 박기순(역);Deleuze, G.
- 문예미학 v.6 no.469-490 들뢰즈와 창조성의 청치학 심광현
- 에코페미니스트 평화정치학;Ecological Feminism, Routledge Toward an ecofe minist peace politics 이소영(외 역.);Warren, K.J.;K.J. Warren(ed.)
- 드뢰즈와 가타리;Deleuze and Guattari 이정우(역);Bogue, R.
- 철학과 현실 v.28 no.138-148 질 드뢰즈, 철학자들 중의 철학자 이정우
- 철학이란 무엇인가.;Lle estce que la philosophie? 이정임(역);윤정임(역);Deleuze, G.;F. Guattari
- 미술세계 no.2월 유목주의란 무엇이고, 무엇이 아닌가? 이진경
- 사회비평 v.24 no.117-129 들뢰즈 전태원
- 녹색비평 v.29 no.7-8월 생태철학과 보살핌의 윤리: 다시 거주할 만한 지구를 위하여 정화열
- 지리학 논총 v.14 no.119-140 역사 · 권력 · 공간 : 미셀푸코와 역사 지리학 최병두
- 대한지리학회지 v.33 no.3 Ecology and naturalistic justice in Nietzsche 최병두
- 대한지리학회지 v.33 no.4 생태학과 환경정의 최병두
- 한국공간환경학회 편. 공간의 정치경제학 포스트모더니즘과 도시 · 지역연구 최병두
- 심층생태학과 생물평등 ?G 자아실혐으로서의 환경정의 최병두
- 감각의 논리;Francis Bacon: Logique de la sensation 하태환(역);Deleuze, G.
- Environmental Ethics v.11 no.117-134 Postmodern environmental ethics : ethics as bioregional narrative Cheney, J.
- Contemporary Philosophy v.13 no.1-14 Nature and the theorizing of difference Cheney, J.
- Ecological Feminism Nature/theory/difference: Ecofeminism and the reconstruction of environmental ethics Cheney, J.;Warren, K.J.(ed.)
- Spinoza on Nature Colins, J.
- Ecopolitics: The Environment in Poststructuralist Thought Conley, V.A.
- Discourses of the Environment Foucault against environmental ethics Darier, E.;E. Darier(ed.)
- Foucault: A Critical Reader Archeology, genealogt, ethics Davidson, A.;D.C. Hoy(ed.)
- Difference et repetition;Difference and Repetition Deleuze, G.;P. Patton(tr.)
- Mille Plateaux;A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizphprenia Deleuze,G.;F. Guattari;B. Massumi(tr.)
- Specters of Marx Derrida, J.
- Liberation Ecologies: Environment, Development, Social Movements Constructing nature: elements for a poststructural political ecology Escobe, A.;R. Peet(ed.);M. Watts(ed.)
- Selected Interviews and Other Writings Power/Knowledge Foucault, M.
- The Use of Pleasure Foucault, M.
- The Final Foucault The ethic of care for the self as a practice of freedom Foucault, M.;J. Bernauer(ed.);D. Rasmussen(ed.)
- Environmental Ethics v.14 no.307-319 Radical enviromentalism and the political roots of postmodernism: differences that make a difference Frodeman, R.
- Postmodernism and the Environmental Crisis Gare, A.E.
- New Formation v.8 no.summer The three ecologies Guattari, F.
- Environmental Ethics v.13 no.99-125 Nietzsche's environmental ethics Hallman, M.O.
- Postmodern Culture: An Electronic Journal of Interdisciplinart Criticism v.11 no.1 Becoming as creative involution?: contextualizing Deleuze and Guattari's biophilosophy Hansen, M.
- Geographical konewledge and political power, paper presented at the 29th International Geographical Congress Harvey, D.
- Justice, Nature and the Geography of Difference Harvey, D.
- Environmental Ethics v.19 no.2 Gilles Deleuze and naturalism: a convergence with ecological theory and politics Hayden, P.
- The possibility of an antihumanist ecoanarchism Joff
- Progress in Human Geography v.23 no.4 dialectics and difference: against Harvey's dialectical post-Marxism Jones, A.
- Inquiry v.23 no.293-311 Spinoza's environmental ethics Lloyd, G.
- Part of Nature : Self-Knowledge in Spinoza's Ethics Lloyd, G.
- Justics, Society and Nature: an Exploration of Political Ecology Low, N.;B. Gleeson
- Cultural Critique v.31 no.57-81 On environmentality: geo-power and eco-knowledge in discourses of contemporary environmentalism Luke, T.W.
- Discourses of the Environment Environmentality as green governmentality Luke, T.W.;E.Darier(ed.)
- The Postmodern Condition Lyotard, J.
- Political Writing Oikos Lyotard, J.
- The Candian Geographer v.37 no.4 Bioregionalism and regional geography: place,people, and networks McTaggart, W.D.
- Inquiry The shallow and the deep, Long-range ecology movement: a summary Naess, A.
- Philosophia v.7 no.1 Spinoza and ecology Naess, A.
- Ecology, Community and Lifestyle Naess, A.
- Justice and Identity: Antipodean Practices Post-structuralism and the Mabo debate: difference, society and justice Patton, P.;M. Wilson(ed.);A. Yeatman(ed.)
- Delueze and Philosophy: the Difference Engineer Viroid life: on machines technics and evolution Pearson, K.A.;K.A. Pearson(ed.)
- Liberation Ecologies: Environment, Development, Social Movements Peet, R.(ed.);M. Watts(ed.)
- Environmental Ethics v.14 no.4 Rethinking resistance: environmentalism, literature, and pos-structural theory Quigley, P.
- Discourses of the Environment Nature as dangerous apace Quigley, P.;E, Darier(ed.)
- The Environment in Questions: Ethics and Global Challenges in environmental ethics Rolston, H.;D.E. Cooper(ed.);J.A. Palmer(ed.)
- Environmental Ethics v.15 no.1 Cheney and the myth of postmodernism Smith, M.
- Environmental Ethics v.12 no.2 The power and the promise of ecological feminism Warren, K.J.
- Justice and the Politics of Difference Young, I.M.
- Contesting Earth's Future Zimmerman, M.