Enacting Law on Principles of Landscape Architecture and Remedial Directions for Its Related Regulations

조경기본법 제정과 관련 법규의 정비방향

  • 신익순 (호남대학교 도시조경학부)
  • Published : 2001.12.01


The purpose of this study is to examine the rightness of establishing the Essential Act of Landscape Architecture in Korea and to present the legal phase, the legislative system and the construction of a contents at the expected enactment of it. It is necessary to point out the problems of the various fields of landscape architecture and to propose the solutions of them. The contents of the study are as follows, 1 . The number of the regulations related to landscape architecture is a good reason for which the field of landscape architecture is worth being included to the positive law. 2. The problems by items(ordinance, engineer, contract, planning, design and supervision, construction, maintenance, plant and planting, material, aesthetics and sight, environmental conservation and ecology, right and penal regulations) to the domestic related regulations being at issue and the remedies for it shall be considered at the enactment of the Essential Act of Landscape Architecture. 3. The number of the domestic regulations being related to landscape architecture which have a term of\` the Essential Act∼\`is 5. 4. The Essential Act of Landscape Architecture is the separate Essential Act welch defines the scope of landscape architecture as construction works and controls the business essentially. 5. The meaning and character of the Essential Act of Landscape Architecture was examined and the reasons for that essential act were recognized in point of the legal, landscape architectural and educational systems. 6. The creation of new official landscape architectural organization is a reason to justify the enactment of the Essential Act of Landscape Architecture. 7. The legal phase, the legislative system and the construction of a contents of the Essential Act of Landscape Architecture ware presented and this act shall conform to such as the legal system of the Architectural Act, the Essential Act of the Construction Industry and so on. The result of this study will be the basic materials for the creation of the Essential Act of Landscape Architecture.



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  8. 한국조경학회지 v.11 no.2 조경에 관한 제도 및 법규 오휘영
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  10. 환경과 조경 제 103호 독일 조경지을 통해 본 국내 조경직설치의 필요성 지철규
  11. Landscape. land use and the law J.D.C. Harte