- Proceedings of the 32nd Conference on Decision and Control Stabilizing receding horizon control: a unified continuous/discrete time formulation Bouslimani, M.;M'Saad M.;Dugard, L.
- Journal of mathematical analysis and application v.48 Diagonalization method for a vector boundary problem of singular perturbation type Chang, K. W.
- IFAC Symposium on Large Scale Systems Eigenvalue placement in two-time-scale systems Chow, J.;Kokotovic, P. V.
- IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control v.20 A Riccati equation for Block diagonalization of ill-conditioned systems Kokotovic, Peter V.
- Singular perturbation methods in control analysis and design Kokotovic, P. V.;Khalil, H.;O'Reilly, J.
- IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control v.38 Comparative study of finite wordlength effects in shift and delta operator parametrizations Li, G.;Gevers, M.
- IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing v.41 Roundoff noise minimization using delta-operator realizations Li, G.;Gevers, M.
- IEE PROC. v.129 no.4 Order reduction and control of discrete systems Mahmoud, M. S.
- Appl. Math. Modelling v.7 Design of feedback controllers by two-time-stage methods Mahmoud, M.S.;Chen,Y.
- Automatica v.21 no.4 On the use of reduced-order models in output feedback design of discrete systems Mahmoud, M. S.;Singh, M. G.
- International Journal of Systems Science v.17 Discrete two-time-scale systems Mahmoud, M. S.;Chen, Y.;Singh, M. G.
- IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control v.31 no.11 Improved finite word length characteristics in digital control using delta operators Middleton, R. H.;Goodwin, G. C.
- Digital control and estimation: A unified approach Middleton, R. H.;Goodwin, G. C.
- Optimal Control Application & Methods v.5 Singular perturbation analysis of the closed-loop discrete optimal control system Naidu,D.S.;Rao, A.K.
- Journal of Guidance v.10 no.5 Time-scale synthesis of a closed-loop discrete optimal control system Naidu, D. S.;Price, D. B.
- Singular perturbation methodology in control systems Naidu, D. S.
- NASA Technical Paper 2844 Singular perturbations and time scales in the design of digital flight control systems Naidu,D.S.;Price D.B.
- Proceedings of the American Control Conference Unified Approach to H-2 and H-inf optimal control of a hypersonic vehicle Naidu, D. S.;Banda, S. S.;Buffington, J. L.
- International Journals of Systems Science v.32 no.9 Linear quadratic regulator design for singularly perturbed systems by unified approach using delta operators Shim, K. H.;Sawan, M. E.