A Method of Applying Ontology for Product Information Search

제품 정보의 검색에 온톨로지 활용 방법

  • 최무라 (인하대학교 자동화공학과) ;
  • 유상봉 (인하대학교 전자전기컴퓨터공학부)
  • Published : 2001.12.01


As the networks (i.e., intranet and internet) proliferate all over the world, it is inevitable to move some (or all) of the enterprise activities into virtual spaces. Differently from business data, product data have complex semantics and thus are not properly exchanged among different application programs. Even though some neutral formats of product data have been developed by standard organizations, exchanging them among various application programs still needs the comprehensive understanding of the complex semantics. Recently, it is widely recognized that capturing more knowledge is the next step to overcome the current difficulties on sharing product data. In this paper, we utilize the ontology concept in order to facilitate information search far product data in the internet environment. A prototype of search system implemented using the ontology for automobile product data is presented.
