• Published : 2001.11.01


Quadratic invariant curve is one of the simplest nonlinear invariant curves and was considered by C. T. Ng and the author in order to study the one-dimensional nonlinear dynamics displayed by a second order delay differential equation with piecewise constant argument. In this paper a functional equation derived from the problem of invariant curves is discussed. Using a different method from what C. T. Ng and the author once used, we define solutions piecewisely and give results in the remaining difficult case left in C. T. Ng and the authors work. A problem of analytic extension given in their work is also answered negatively.



  1. Appl. Anal. v.26 Oscillatory and periodic solutions of systems of two first order linear differential equaltions with piecewise constant arguments A. R. Aftabizadeh;J. Wiener
  2. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. v.99 Oscillatory and periodic properties of delay differential equtions with piecewise constant arguments A. R. Aftabizadeh;J.-M. Xu
  3. J. Math. Anal. Appl. v.99 Retarded differential equations with piecewise constant arguments K. L. Cooke;J. Wiener
  4. Differential Integral Equations v.2 Linearized oscillations for equations with piecewise constant arguments I. Gyori;G. Ladas
  5. Proc. London Math. Soc. v.25 A further note on the converse of Abel's theorem G. H. Hardy;J. E. Littlewood
  6. Iterative Functional Equations M. Kuczma;B. Choczewski;R. Ger
  7. J. Differ. Equations Appl. v.3 Incariant curves for planar mappings C. T. Ng;W. Zhang
  8. J. Differ. Equations Appl. v.6 Quadratic Incariant curves for planar mappings C. T. Ng;W. Zhang
  9. Nonlinear Anal. v.7 Chaotic behaviour of nonlinear differential-delay equations H. Peter
  10. Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos J. M. T. Thompson;H. B. Stewart
  11. Nonlinear Anal. v.5 Homoclinic solution and chaos in x(t)=f(x(t-1)) H.-O. Walther
  12. Rad. Mat. v.6 Limit boundaru value problems of first order equations with piecewise constant arguments F. Zhang;J. Yan;C. Qian