부산신항 컨테이너 물동량의 효율적인 처리를 위한 부산신항복합물류단지와 서부산유통단지의 기능적 연계성에 관한 연구

A Study on the Functional Relation between the West Busan New Port Distri-Park and the West Busan Logistics Park for Efficient Management of the Container Cargo Traffic Volume of the Busan New Port

  • 이경오 (성심외국어대학 사무정보관리과)
  • 발행 : 2001.03.01


In order to deal with the increase of container cargo traffic volume more effectively, the ministry of maritime affairs & fisheries has a long-term plan to develop Gaduk Island. According to the plan, the New Port will handle 4,600,00TEUs annually. The completion of the project will enable the port of Busan to perform as a hub port in the Asia Pacific era of the year 2000 with sufficient port facilities, and this will lead to a new era of oceanic Korea. With the advent of the Pacific Rim Era of the year 2000, Busan metropolis has set a strategic development plan to establish the area as the center of logistics in the noreast Asian region as well as to become the stronghold of economic activity in Korea's southeast region. To this end, industries that will open the doors to a marine era and a new industrial complex focused on logistics are planned in the West Busan area where Gimhae International Airport and the Busan New Port meet. This paper aims to find out the functional relation and complement between the Busan New Port Distri-Park handing container cargo traffic volume and the West Busan Logistics Pa가 handling an air cargo and railroad goods. Especially, paper aims to suggest the West Busan Logistics Park as the efficient management of the container cargo traffic volume due to the Development Plan of the Busan New Port.



  1. 유통단지개발기본계획 건설교통부
  2. 항만실무용어해설집 김용균
  3. 유통단지개발기본계획 부산광역시
  4. 부산신항 민자유치시설사업 복합물류단지 개발사업 기본계획 부산신항만주식회사
  5. 서부산권 유통단지 최종보고회 부산일보
  6. 부산지방해양수산청 부산지방해양수산청
  7. 신항만 개발 투자우선순위평가 해양수산부
  8. 항만기본계획재정비;전국항만물동량예측 해양수산부