- J. Math. v.31 no.1 Erdos-Renyi type laws applied to Gaussian processes Y. K. Choi
- J. Math. v.31 no.3 On the asymptotic behavior of Gaussian sequences with stationary increments Y. K. Choi;N. Kono
- J. Theoret. Probab. v.12 no.1 How big are the increments of a two-parameter Gaussian Process?
- East Asian Math. J. v.14 no.1 A version of Fernique lemma for Gaussian processes Y. K. Choi;Z. Y. Lin
- Ann. Probab. v.20 no.2 Inequalities for increments of stochastic processes and moduli of continuity E. Csaki;M. Csorgo
- Acta Sci. Math. v.60 Moduli of continuity for lp-valued Gaussian processes E. Csaki;M. Csorgo;Q. M. Shao
- Stochastic Process. Appl. v.39 On infinite series of independent Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes E. Csaki;M. Csorgo;Z. Y. Lin;P. Revesz
- Z. Wahrsch. verw. Gebiete v.42 How big are the increments of a multi-parameter Wiener process? M. Csorgo;P. Pevesz
- Ann. Probab. v.7 How big are the increments of a Wiener process?
- Strong Approximations in Probability and Statistics
- Ann. Probab. v.21 no.4 Strong limit theorems for large and small increments of lp-valued Gaussian processes M. Csorgo;Q. M. Shao
- Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. v.121 no.1 Path properties for l∞-valued Gaussian processes M. Csorgo;Z. Y. Lin;Q. M. Shao
- Canad. J. Math. v.46 no.1 Kernel generated two-time parameter Gaussian processes and some of their path properties
- C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, t. v.258 Continuite des processus Gaussiens X. Fernique
- Probab. Theory Related Fields v.87 Upper classes for the increments of fractional Wiener process K. Grill
- Ann. Probab. v.11 no.4 Some more results on increments of the Wiener process D. L. Hanson;R. P. Russo
- Ann. Probab. v.17 no.3 Some "liminf" results for increments of a Wiener process
- Chinese J. Appl. Probab. Statist. v.3 Some results on the increments of a two-parameter Wiener process F. C. Kong
- Trends in Probability and Related Analysis, SAP'96 The exact modulus of continuity for Gaussian processes taking values of a finite dimensional normed space N. Kono
- Extremes and Related Properties of Random Sequences and Processes M. R. Leadbetter;G. Lindgren;H. Rootzen
- processus stochastiques et mouvement brownien(2nd edn) P. Levy
- Scientia Sinica v.28 On increments of two-parameter Wiener process Z. Y. Lin
- Sci. China. Ser. v.A 40 no.4 How big are the increments of lp-valued Gaussian Processes? Z. Y. Lin
- Strong Limit Theorems Z. Y. Lin;C. R. Lu
- On the size of the increments of non-stationary Gaussian processes v.18 J. Ortega
- Z. Wahrsch. verw. Gebiete v.65 On the increments of the Wiener process J. Ortega;M. Wschebor