• Gordon, Carolyn S. (Department of Mathemtics, Dartmouth College, Hanover)
  • 발행 : 2001.09.01


Two compact Riemannian manifolds are said to be isospectral if the associated Laplace-Beltrami operators have the same eigenvalue spectrum. We describe a method, based on the used of Riemannian submersions, for constructing isospectral manifolds with different local geometry and survey examples constructed through this method.



  1. Math.Ann v.292 Transplantation et isospectralite I P.Berard
  2. J.London Math.Soc. v.48 Transplantation et isospectralite II
  3. Adv.Math. v.138 Mutually isospectral Riemann surfaces R.Brooks;R.Gornet;W.Gustafson
  4. Nagoya Math.J. v.107 Isospectral surfaces of small genus R.Brooks;R.Tse
  5. Ann.Inst.Foruier(Grenoble) v.36 Isospectral Riemann surfaces P.Buser
  6. Topology v.37 Spectral rigidity of a compact negatively curved manifold C.Croke;V.Sharafutdinov
  7. Comm.Pur Appl.Math. v.42 Isospectral Deformations II:trace formulas, metrics, and potentials D.DeTurck;C.Gordon;K.B.Lee(appendix)
  8. Invariance theory, the heat equation, and the Atiyah-Singer index theorem P.B.Gilkey
  9. J.Differential Geom. v.24 Riemannian manifolds isospectral on functions but not on 1-forms C.S.Gordon
  10. Contemporary Mathematics: Geometry of the Spectrum v.173 Isospectral closed Riemannian manifolds which are not locally isometric II
  11. Invent.Math.(to appear) Isospectral deformations of metrics on spheres
  12. Ann.Inst.Fourier(Trenoble) v.48 Isospectral deformations of closed Riemannian manifolds with different scalar curvature C.Gordon;R.Gornet;D.Schueth;D.Webb;E.M.Wilson
  13. Invent.Math. v.110 Isospcetral plane domains and surfaces Riemannian orbifolds C.Gordon;D.Webb;S.Wolpert
  14. Duke Math.J.(to appear) Isospectral deformations of negatively curved Riemannian manifolds with boundary which are not locally isometric C.S.Gordon;Z.I.Szabo
  15. J.Differential Geom. v.19 Isospectral deformations of compact solvmanifolds C.Gordon;E.N.Wilson
  16. Michigan Math.J. v.43 no.1 The spectrum of the Laplacian on Ricmannian Heisenberg manifolds
  17. J.Differential Geom v.47 Continuous families of isospectral Riemannian manifolds which are not locally isometric
  18. Michigan Math.J. v.43 no.1 A new construction of isopectral Riemannian nilmanifolds with examples Ruth Gornet
  19. J.Geom.Anal. v.10 Continuous families of Riemannian manifolds isospectral on functions but not on 1-forms
  20. Topology v.19 Some inverse spectral results for negatively curved 2-manifolds V.Guillemin;D.Kazhdan
  21. Spectra of Riemannian Manifolds Isospectral problem for spherical space forms A.Ikeda;M.Berger;S.Murakami;T.Ochiai(eds.)
  22. Perspect.Math. v.8 Riemannian manifolds p-isospectral but not(p+1)-isospectral, Geometry of Manifolds(Matsumoto)
  23. Amer.Math.Monthly v.73 Can one hear the shape of a drum? M.Kac
  24. Geom.Dedicata v.11 Riemannian nilmanifolds attached to Clifford modules A.Kaplan
  25. Bull.London Math.Soc. v.15 On the geometry of groups of Heisenberg type
  26. J.Geom.Anal.(to appear) Flat monifolds isospectral on p-forms R.Miatello;J.P.Rossetti
  27. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci. v.51 Eigenvalues of the Laplace operator on certain manifolds J.Milnor
  28. C.R.Acad.Sci. v.3118 Representations relativement equivalentes et varietes Riemanniennes isospectrales Hubert Pesce
  29. Ann.of Math. v.149 Continuous families of isospectral metrics on simply connected manifolds D.Schueth
  30. J.Reine Angew.Math.(to appear) Isospectral manifolds with different local geometries
  31. Ann.of Math. v.121 Riemannian coverings and isospectral minifolds T.Sunada
  32. Geom.Funct.Anal. v.9 Locally non-isometric yet super isospectral spaces Z.I.Szabo
  33. Ann.of Math.(to appear) Isospectral balls and spheres
  34. Ann.of Math.(to appear) Cornocopia of isospectral pairs of metrics constructed on balls and spheres with different local geometries
  35. Ann.of Math. v.112 Varietes Riemanniennes isospectrales et non isometriques M.F.Vigneras
  36. J.Differential Geom. v.8 Mamofold maps commuting with the Laplacian B.Watson