- J.Funct.Anal v.145 An estimate on the Kac transfer operator B.O.Dia;M.Schatzman
- J.Math.Soc.Japan v.50 Error bound on exponential product formulas for Schrodinger operators A,Doumeki;T,Ichinose;H.Tamura
- Duke Math.J. v.47 Remarks on convergence of the Feynman path integrals D.Fujiwara
- Algebra i Analiz(St. Petersburg Math.J.) v.8 Around the transfer operator B.Helffer
- Operator Theory: Advances and Appl v.78 Around the transfer operator and the Trotter-Kato formula B.Helffier
- Math.topics v.11 Recent results and open problems on Schrodinger operators,Laplace integrals and transfer operators in large dimension,Schrodunger Operators Markov Semigroups,Wavlelt Analysis, Operator Algebras B.Helffier;M.Demuth(ed);E.Schrohe(ed);B.-W.Schulze(ed);J,Sjostrand(ed)
- Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics Proc.of the International Confernce,Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham Some results on the relativistic Hamiltonian: Selfadjointness and imaginary-time path integral T.Ichinose
- Proc. of Dubna Joint Meeting of International Seminar"Path Intergrals: Theory & Applications" and 5th Internatioal Conference"Path Integrals from meV to MeV" Norm convergence of the Trotter product formula for Schrodinger operators via the Feynman-Kac formula T.Ichinose
- Commun.Math.Phys v.186 Estimate of the difference between the Kac operator and the Schrodinger semigroup T,Ichinose;S,Takanobu
- Nagoya Math.J. v.149 The norm estimate of the difference between the Kac operator and the Schrodinger semigroup: A unified approach to the nonrelativistic and relativistic calklkkkkkkkkkkkkkse T.Ichinose;S.Takanobu
- Electro.J.Probab v.5 no.5 The norm estimate of the differnce between the Kac operator and the Schrodinger semigroup ∥: The general case including the relativistic case T.Ichinose;S.Takanobu
- Integr.Equat.Oper.Theory v.27 Error estimates in operator norm for Trotter-Kato product formula T,Ichinose;Hideo Tamura
- Asympt.Anal v.17 Error bound in trace norm for Trotter-Kato product formula of Gibbs semigroups T.Ichinose;Hideo Tamura
- Osaka J.Math v.35 Error estimates in operator norm of exponential product formulas for propagators of parabolic evolution equations T,Ichinose;Hideo Tamura
- Commun.Math.Phys v.105 Imaginary-time path integral for a relativisitic spinless particle in an electromagnetic field T.Ichinose;Hiroshi Tamura
- 1966 Brandeis Lecture, Gordon and Breach Mathematical mechanism of phase transitions M.Kac
- Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA;ibid v.55;56 On the mathematical mechanism of phase transition ;Erratum M.Kac;C.J.Thompson
- Isreal J. Math v.13 Schrodinger opeators with singular potentials M.Kac;C.J.Thompson
- Lett.Math.Phys. v.44 On error estimates for the Trotter-Kato product formula H,Neidhardt;B.Sagrebnov
- Intergral Equations Operator Theory v.35 Fractional powers of selfadjoint operators and Trotter-Kato product formula H,Neidhardt;B.Sagrebnov
- Commun.Math.Phys v.205 Trotter-Kato product formula and operator-norm convergence H,Neidhardt;B.Sagrebnov
- J.Math.Phys v.5 Feynman integrals and the Schrodinger equation E,Nelson
- Revised and enlarged ed. Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics I: Functional Analysis M.Reed;B.Simon
- Funct.Anal.Appl v.27 Error bounds for Trotter-type formulas for self-adjoint operators D,L.Rogava
- Fuctional Integraltion and Quantum Physics B.Simon
- Ann.Probab v.25 On the error estimate of the integral kernel for the Trotter product formula for Schrodivger operators S,Takanobu
- Integral Equations Operator Theory v.37 A remark on operator-norm convergence of Trotter-Kato product formula Hiroshi Tamura
- Stud.Appl.Math v.48 Phase transition and eigenvalue degeneracy of a one dimensional anharmonic oscillator C.J.Thompson;M.Kac