고대 로마 신화에 등장한 신들의 복식 연구

A Study on the Costume of the Gods in the Ancient Roman Myths

  • 발행 : 2001.07.01


The costume for gods in the Ancient Roman myth was studied by examining in the embossed-carving, sculptures, mural-painting and various documents of the period. The clothes item, hairstyle, symbol & ornaments and shoes of the gods in the Roman myths were analyzed to understand the formative process in the religious costumes, and results are as follows. First, the costumes for male gods are the same as those for ordinary men lived in ages, including toga, paludamentum, tebenna, tunica. The costumes for female gods are also the same as those for ordinary women lived in ages, including stola, palla, tunica. Second, the hairstyle of male gods is short curled-hair, twisty roll-up hair and braid long-hair due to the influence of Etrurian in the early days. Another hairstyle is appeared in form of the laurelled-crown. The hairstyle of female gods is curled long-hair, chignon style and braid roll-up hair decorated with hairband. Third, the symbol & ornaments which represent the responsible possession of male gods, are appeared in beard, a stick of the message, arrow-case, offering-dish, antlered-glass, shield, spear-handle, as the superhuman forms, such as the lightning shape. For female gods they are is appeared plastron, a stick of the message, flower. some female gods wear necklace, foot-ring, bracelet. Fourth, male gods wear shoes in forms of sandal, buskin, boots, but all female gods are in barefoot. It could be explained by the fact that a man-centered society in the ancient roman is reflected in the world of gods. As mentioned, Gods costume in Roman myths was very similar to or nothing different from the ordinary peoples in Rome. However, they used corps, sacrifices or sepcific symbols depending on the fields that they were responsible for in order to be distinguished from the ordinary people. This is the result from the peoples expression that they should keep a close relationship with Gods hoping to be protected, and rely on them under whatever circumstances.



  1. 세계문화사 강정식
  2. 서양복식사 김경옥
  3. 서양사 미술사속에는 서양 미술이 있다 박우찬
  4. 서양복식문화사 백영자;유효순
  5. 서양의 복식문화 백영자;유효순
  6. 서양복식사 신상옥
  7. 복식의 정신문화 신영선
  8. 복식문화 유송옥;이은영;황선진
  9. 그림으로 보는 서양복식사 이순홍 (외 4인)
  10. 서양복식사 이정옥
  11. 서양복식사 이정옥;최영옥;최경순
  12. 서양피복사 이춘희
  13. 서양사의 이해 임희완
  14. 복식미학 조규화
  15. 서양건축사 정재영
  16. 서양복식문화사 정흥숙
  17. 복식문화사 정흥숙
  18. 서양사총론 차하순
  19. 고대로마를 찾아서
  20. 로마제국
  21. 세계미술대전집;Roman Art
  22. 세계의 대유적 6;로마제국의 영광
  23. 폼페이 최후의 날
  24. 폼페이 최후의 날
  25. 서양복식에 나타난 직물에 관한 연구 -복식사 문헌을 중심으로- 김명애
  26. 기독교 복식과 비잔틴 복식에 미친 기독교의 영향 김정길
  27. 고대 그리스 신들의 복식연구 김은미
  28. 종교복식에 나타난 색채상징 연구 이주호
  29. 로마제국의 기독교 박해에 대한 정치·사회적 요인고찰 신용백
  30. 로마제국말기의 종교와 사회변화 장윤기
  31. 복식 no.39 종교복식의 형성과정에 관한 연구(1) 임상임;김현경
  32. 복식 v.50 no.8 고대 메소포타미아의 일반 복식과 종교복식의 비교 임상임;류보영
  33. 서양복식사 丹野郁·原田二郞;이현숙 (역)
  34. 세계패션사 1.;A History of Fashion Anderson J. Black;윤길순 (역)
  35. A Dictionary of World Mythology Ather Cotterell
  36. Fashion in History Bigelow Marybell S.
  37. History of Costume From the Ancient Eqyptians to the Twentieth Century Blanche Payne
  38. Greece & Costume v.1 Brown Landone
  39. A History of Costume Carl Kohler
  40. The Nature of HISTORY In Ancient Greece & Rome Charles William Fornara
  41. 서양문명의 역사;Western Civilizations Edward Mcnall Burns (외 2인);박상익 (역)
  42. A History of Costume in the West FRANCOIS BOUCHER
  43. 벌거벗은 로마사 Indro Montanelli;박광순 (역)
  44. 그리스신화;Greek Myths Jane F. Gardner;이경희 (역)
  45. 로마신화;Roman Myths Jane F. Gardner;이경희 (역)
  46. 세계종교사 John F. Noss;윤이흠 (역)
  47. The Secon Skin Marilyr J. Horn;Lois M. Gurel
  48. History of Custome Payne blanche
  49. WESTERN CIVILIZATIONS Robert E. Lerner (외 2인)
  50. 그리스·로마신화;The Age of Fable Tomas Bulfinch;최혁순 (역)
  51. 고대 그리스의 미술과 신화 Thomas H. Capenter;김숙 (역)