의류상품 판매원의 서비스 차원과 의류상품 유형별 중요도

Service Dimensions of Apparel Product Salesperson and Importance of Service Dimension by Apparel Product Type

  • 발행 : 2001.07.01


The purpose of this research was to classify service dimensions for each apparel product which was thought to be important to consumers and to examine what kind of service dimensions are assessed to be more important than others. Furthermore, whether there were significant differences in the service dimensions and importances of services dimensions were examined by apparel product type(casual, formal products). Data were collected from women who were over 20 years old that live in Seoul. A questionnaire developed based on the previous researches and data were analyzed by factor analysis, t-test, ANOVA, frequency analysis. The results of this study were as follows: First, services of salesperson were divided into six dimensions: \"focused on customers\", \"knowledge/competency\", \"courtesy\", \"appearance/image\", \"purchasing induction\", and \"concerning\". As to service dimension importance, consumers think that \"service focused on customers\" is the most important dimension of service. Second, results of examining the importance according to apparel product type showed that five of the six service dimensions in formal product sales were more important except for the \"knowledge\" related service. Last, as to demographic characteristic variables, people who were over 40 years old were likely to think \"purchasing induction\", \"appearance/image\", \"concerning\" service dimensions more important than the other ages. And it was found that consumers who spend less money on purchasing clothing in a month thought \"focused on customers\" service was more important than the other consumers. In conclusion store managers could apply these results to service education of salesperson and use on preservation and improvement of customer relationship. And according to apparel product types, the results will give some implications to various service policies.



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  2. 패션마케팅(제2판) 이은영
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