The Married Mens Family and Work Role Salience Perceptions and Role Performances

기혼 남성의 가족.직업 역할중요도 인식과 역할수행

  • 홍성례 (경희대학교 아동가족전공) ;
  • 유영주 (경희대학교 아동가족전공)
  • Published : 2001.06.01


This study was based on a recognition that the married mens role of performing multiple roles should be redefined. Family and work roles were composed of four domains, such as marital, parental, homecare, and occupational roles. The data of this study had been collected from the married men, who had his spouse and his first child younger than twelve years old, and held a job in Seoul. The main findings of this study were as follows: First, as for family and work role salience perceptions, it showed that men relatively higher perceived four role saliences: marital role salience, parental role salience, homecare role salience, and occupational role salience. Second, among four salience perceptions of family and work roles, married men highest perceived homecare role salience while they lowest perceived occupational role salience. Third, regarding the married mens family and work role performances, the parental and homecare roles were equally performed and higher than the marital and occupational roles. In general, the degree of family and work role salience perceptions of the married men in Korean society was higher than that of family and work role performances.



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