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- Of mice and women: Aspects of female aggression The development of direct and indirect aggressive strategies in males and females Bjorkqvist, K.;Osterman, K.;Kaukiainin, A.;K. Bjorkqvist(ed.);P. Niemela(ed.)
- Child Development v.69 no.4 Peer relationships and self-esteem among children who have been maltreated Bolger, K. E.;Patterson, C. J.;Kupersmidt, J. B.
- British Journal of Developmental Psychology v.12 Bully/victim problems in middle school children: stability, self-perceived competence, peer perceptions, and peer acceptance Boulton, M. J.;Smith, P. K.
- Child Abuse & Neglect v.12 Multivariate correlates of childhood psychological and physical multreatment among university women Briere, J.;Runtz, M.
- Developmental Psychology v.25 Growth and aggression: 1. Childhood to early adolescence Cairns, R. B.;Cairns, B. D.;Neckerman, H. J.;Ferguson, L. L.;Gariepy, J. L.
- Childhood maltratement and parental attachment Cook, A. B.
- Child Development v.66 Relational aggression, gender, social-psychological adjustment Crick, N. R.;Grotpeter, J. K.
- Child Development v.67 Relational aggression, overt aggression and friendship Crick, N. R.;Grotpeter, J. K.
- Developmental Psychology v.34 no.2 Does low self-regard invite victimization? Egan, S. K.;Perry, D. G.
- Journal of Marriage and the Family v.33 Violence against children Gil, D. G.
- Developmental Psychology v.34 no.3 Self-blame and peer victimization in middle school: An attributional analysis Graham, S.;Juvonen, J.
- Child Development v.65 Responses of physically abused and nonabused children to different forms of interadult anger Hennessy;Rabideau;Cicchetti;Cummings
- Social Development v.9 no.2 Social-emotional classroom climate in child care, child-teacher relationships and children's second grade peer relations Howes, C.
- Development and Psychopathology v.6 Distinct and interactive contributions of physical abuse, socio-economic disadvantage, and negative life events to children's social, cognitive, and affective adjustment Okun, A.;Parker, J. G.;Levendosky, A. A.
- Developmental Psychology v.16 no.6 Familial and temperamental determinants of aggressive behavior in adolescent boys: A casuaual analysis Olweus, D.
- Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry v.35 Annotation: Bullying at school: Basic facts and effects of a school based intervention program Olweus, D.
- Developmental Psychology v.24 no.6 Victims of peer aggression Perry, D. G.;Kusel, S. J.;Perry, L. C.
- Social Development v.8 no.3 Peer estimates of school-aged boys' and girls' aggression to same-and cross-sex targets Russell, A.;Owens, L.
- Child Development v.64 The effects of physical abuse on children's social relationships Salzinger, S.;Feldman, R. S.;Hammer, M.
- Developmental Psychology v.27 Intergenerational transmission of harsh parenting Simons, R. L.;Whitbeck, L. B.;Conger, R. D.;Wu, Chyi-In
- Child Psychiatry and Human Development v.25 no.2 Situational and interpersonal correlates of anxiety associated with peer victimization Slee, P. T.
- Educational Research v.35 A survey of the nature and extent of bullying in junior/middle and secondary schools Smith, P. K.;Withney, L.
- Developmental Psychology v.29 no.1 Effects of domestic violence on children's behavior problems and depression Sternberg, K. J.;Lamb, M. E.;Greenbaum, C.;Ciccetti, D.;Dawud, S.;Cortes, R. M.;Krispin, O.;Lorey, F.
- Child Abuse & Neglect v.15 Verbal aggression by parents and psychosocial problems of children Straus, M. A.