실내조경에 의한 스트레스 해소효과

The effect of Recovery from Psychological Stress by Interior Landscape Spaces

  • 이진희 (상명대학교 환경원예조경학부) ;
  • 이창래 (상명대학교 일반대학원 환경자원학과)
  • 발행 : 2001.02.01


The purpose of this study is to find out the effect of recovery from psychological stress when watching plants indoors. As an instrument of measurement of psychological stress, Galvanic Skin Resistance(GSR) has been used because it has been convenient to read a psychological sign without a medical sense and an instrument. In order to make the conditions of stress and recovery, video programs have been made, and especially, the video program of recovery has consisted of three types-- types 1 of watching plants in a botanical garden, type 2 of watching very bush street, and type 3 of closing eyes naturally. The two groups of normal and the mentally handicapped persons have been participated in this experiment to compare the effect of recovery. As the result of this test, the rate of stress relief has been maximumly effected by watching the video program of plants. Between the two groups the recovery of stress has had better effects on the mentally handicapped than the normal one. And also it shows that the circumstances of emotional refinement is led by having plants in indoor. The result of this test has been turned out to be highly useful. It is desirable that a indoor worker, staying for a long time, contact with plants visually to keep healthy mental conditions. This study suggests that the surrounding conditions or the settings of circumstances play an important role for the emotional refinement of the groups of mentally han야capped persons as well as the normal person.



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