오마환(烏麻丸)이 백서(白鼠)의 혈액내(血液內) CD4+, CD8+ T cell 및 면역기관(免疫器官) 장기지수(臟器指數)에 미치는 영향(影響)

Effects of Omahwan(OMH) on CD4+, CD8+ T cell and Immune Organ Index in Rat

  • 이송실 (경희대학교 한의과대학 예방의학교실,경희대학교 한의학연구소) ;
  • 이상재 (경희대학교 한의과대학 예방의학교실,경희대학교 한의학연구소) ;
  • 김광호 (경희대학교 한의과대학 예방의학교실,경희대학교 한의학연구소)
  • Lee Song-Shil (Dept. of Preventive Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung-Hee University,Institute of Oriental Medicine, Kyung-Hee University) ;
  • Lee Sang-Jae (Dept. of Preventive Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung-Hee University,Institute of Oriental Medicine, Kyung-Hee University) ;
  • Kim Kwang-Ho (Dept. of Preventive Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung-Hee University,Institute of Oriental Medicine, Kyung-Hee University)
  • 발행 : 2001.06.29


OMH which is known for its properties of recruiting vitality, is composed of Polygonum multiflorum Thunb. and Sesamum indicum DC.. This formula is known to possess the properties of recruiting vitality, blackening white hair and expanding life span. 16-week-old SD-Rats were treated with OMH for 16 days. After 24 hours, the rats were treated with MTX(Mthotrexate is oral administrated for 4 days(1mg/kg/day), in order to lower immunity. Then, These rats were classified in to groups, the N-16 group(not specially tested), the Control group(MTX), the OMH-L group(2.5% OMH+MTX)&the OMH-H group(10% OMH+MTX) and 6 rats were assigned to each group. After 18 hours from MTX treatment the organ index of the rats from each group Thymus and Spleen were measured. The percentage of CD+4, CD8+ T cell were measured and compared by flow cytometer. 1) Rats from the OHM-L&OMH-H group showed higher organ indexes of the Thymus and Spleen compared to the rats from the Control Group. This proves that OMH possesses the properties to mitigate degenerations of immunity($F_{thymus}=20.162,\;F_{spleen}=5.882$, ANDVA, p<0.05). 2) The rats from the two OMH groups showed higher rates of CD4+ T cell counts compared to the control group(F=26.906, ANOVA, p<0.05). CD8+ T cell showed lower rates compared to the Control group, but showed no differences within the two OMH groups(F=1.254, ANOYA, p>0.05). CD4+/CD8+ showed higher rates in the two OMH groups compared to the control group which can be thought as a proof that OMH prevents depression of immune response(F=10.554, ANOVA, p<0.05). In this test 16 week-old rats were used, which can be considered as the middle and prime age of the human being. These rats were treated with OMH which ended up showing properties of mitigating degeneration of immune responses and maintaining T-cell rates within the blood. It was possible to study that OMH possesses the properties to increase immune responses.



  1. 임상면역학 권명상;권혁한;김일택;박기호;이영종;서설
  2. 노화 김숙희;김화영
  3. 韓藥 포製學 안덕균;김호철
  4. 한약(생약)규격집 주해서 지형준;이상인
  5. 東醫寶鑑(內景篇, 外形篇) 許浚
  6. 본초학 전국한의대본초학교수(공편)
  7. 경희한의대논문집 v.9 no.1 백하수오와 황정이 세포성 및 체액성 면역반응에 미치는 영향 姜錫峯;安圭錫;金光湖
  8. 경희대학교 한의과대학 대학원석사논문 何首烏의 포製에 관한 硏究 金性龍
  9. 한국노화학회지 v.6 no.3 나이와 식이지방수준이 흰쥐의 지방대사 및 포도당 운반과 면역기능에 미치는 영향 김화영;박이경
  10. 대한피부과학회지 v.31 no.6 노화에 따른 마우스 가슴샘 겉질의 미세구조변화 박경호;박삼열;안의태;고정식;김진국
  11. 한국실험동물학회지 v.6 no.1 SD랫드의 주령에 따른 기초연구: 1.체중, 장기중량, 혈액학, 혈액생화학적 변화 및 뇨분석 송창우;황화선;한상섭
  12. 대한생리학회지 v.19 no.1 가축과 실험동물(rat)의 생리자료12-(7) 정순동
  13. 한국영양학회지 v.24 no.5 식이지방수준이 나이에 따른 흰쥐 섬유아세포의 노화 과정 및 면역반응에 미치는 영향 조미숙;김화영
  14. 동의생리학회지 v.7 no.1 免疫과 賢藏精의 相關關係에 關한 實驗的 硏究 許謹;金完熙;申玟圭
  15. 抱朴子 葛洪
  16. 黃帝內經 素問校註語釋 郭靄春
  17. 中醫病理硏究 匡調元
  18. 中藥與免疫 駱和生
  19. 中藥免疫學 재新民
  20. 中藥포製法 재新民
  21. 全國中草藥회編(下) 謝宗萬
  22. 備急千金要方 孫思邈
  23. ?髮保健與治療方 葉世龍
  24. 現代中醫藥應用與硏究大系 施杞;林水森
  25. 高級病理生理學 楊惠玲;潘景軒;吳偉康
  26. 現代醫學免疫學 余傳霖;葉天星;陸德源;章谷生
  27. 中醫藏象學 王琦;羅夕佳;黎雲;劉艶驕
  28. 醫方集解 汪認庵;
  29. 醫經六書(上券)中藏經 王曉萍;梁樂
  30. 醫學正傳 虞搏
  31. 本草綱目 李時珍
  32. 現代中藥藥理手冊 李占永;胡國臣
  33. 中醫老年病學 田金洲;董建華
  34. 實用延壽中藥學 朱建貴;任竟學;徐凌雲;高榮林
  35. 中醫老年病臨床硏究 周文泉;高普
  36. 中國秘方全書 周洪範
  37. 新編抗衰老中藥學 陳可冀;李春生
  38. 中藥大辭典 江蘇新醫學院
  39. 南京中醫藥大學學報 v.15 no.2 何首烏與白首烏成分藥理比較 皐澤
  40. 中成藥 v.25 no.11 首烏製劑對老年大鼠胸線, 肝臟蛋白質和核酸含量的影響 金國琴;趙偉康
  41. 中國中西醫結合雜誌 v.12 no.8 老年賢虛證的T細胞群及對免疫調控的影響 範國榮;宗文九;朱方石;王曉玲;王玲
  42. 中國中西醫結合雜誌 v.15 no.1 益賢健脾方對老年虛證T細胞亞群, 可溶性白細胞介素-2受體及紅細胞免疫的影響 範國榮;宗文九;王曉玲;王천
  43. 中藥通報 v.12 no.3 何首烏及其포製品的免疫藥理學硏究 葉定江;朱전;祁?林;謝建明
  44. 中國中西醫結合雜誌 v.17 no.6 補賢和健脾對免疫系統不同作用方式的硏究 沈自尹;蔡定芳;張玲娟;鍾歷勇;陳曉紅
  45. 中成藥 v.20 no.8 中藥何首烏포製硏究進展 牛序莉;王琦
  46. 中醫老年學會誌 v.19 no.2 固眞方對老齡大鼠免疫功調節作用 劉潁;趙偉康;凌昌全;黃雪琴
  47. 中國中藥雜誌 v.17 no.12 何首烏포製品藥理臨床硏究 應久皓;周學優;朱秀琴
  48. 中國中西醫結合雜誌 v.16 no.10 補賢健脾活血類中藥方對老齡小鼠免疫功能作用的對比硏究 張新民;沈自尹;王文健;陳素珍;陳偉華
  49. 中醫雜誌 v.36 no.5 固眞方對老年大鼠海馬和下丘腦-垂體-腎上腺-胸腺軸作用的硏究 趙偉康;金國琴;李文
  50. 中藥藥理與臨床 v.5 no.1 何首烏浸膏提取物對小鼠T, B淋巴細胞免疫功能的作用 周志文
  51. 福建中醫學院學報 v.9 no.3 免疫靈合劑對賢虛患者T淋巴細胞免疫功能的作用 陳小峰;許少峰;楊鴻;劉建忠;張茂靑;嚴文華
  52. 中國醫藥學報 v.12 no.2 補賢化瘀及補賢健脾化瘀調整小鼠免疫衰老的對比硏究 陳豊;李順成
  53. 中國中西醫結合雜誌 v.20 no.2 中藥複方962膠양對老年雌, 雄性大鼠肝臟過氣化脂質及胸腺脾指數的影響 楚晉;李斌;李林;葉翠飛;劉匯波;何士大
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