Modeling of Diesel Spray Impingement on a Flat Wall

  • Lee, Seong-Hyuk (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chung-Ang University) ;
  • Ryou, Hong-Sun (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chung-Ang University)
  • Published : 2000.07.01


To understand the transient behavior of droplets after impingement in a diesel engine, a numerical model for diesel sprays impinging on a flat wall is newly developed by the proposition of several mathematical formulae to determine the post-impingement characteristics of droplets. The new model consists of three representative regimes such as rebound, deposition and splash. The gas phase is modeled in terms of the Eulerian conservation equations, and the dispersed phase is calculated using a discrete droplet model. To validate the new model, the calculated results are compared with several experimental data. The results show that the new model is generally in good agreement with the experimental data. Therefore, it is thought that the new model is acceptable for the prediction of transient behavior of wall sprays.



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