Dynamic Characterization of Noise and Vibration Transmission Paths in Linear Cyclic Systems (I)-Theory-

  • 발행 : 2000.10.01


Linear cyclic systems (LCS's) are a class of systems whose dynamic behavior changes cyclically. Such cyclic behavior is ubiquitous in systems with fundamentally repetitive motions (e. g. all rotating machinery). Yet, the knowledge of the noise and vibration transmission paths in LCS's is quite limited due to the time-varying nature of their dynamics. The first part of this two-part paper derives a generic expression that describes how the noise and/or vibration are transmitted between two (or multiple) locations in the LCS's. An analysis via the Fourier series and Fourier transform (FT) plays a major role in deriving this expression that turns out to be transfer function dependent upon the cycle position of the system. The cyclic nature of the LCS' transfer functions is shown to generate a series of amplitude modulated input signals whose carrier frequencies are harmonic multiples of the LCS' fundamental frequency. Applicability of signal processing techniques used in the linear time-invariant systems (LTIS's to the general LCSs is also discussed. Then, a criterion is proposed to determine how well a LCS can be approximated as a LTIS. In Part II, experimental validation of the analyses carried out in Part I is provided.



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