- Neurology v.45 Neurologic complications following chiropractic manipulation:A survey of California neurologists Lee KP;Carlini WG;McComick GF;Albers GW.
- JAMA v.133 Cerebellar and spinal injuries after chiropractic manipulation Pratt-Thomas HR.;Berger KE.
- Neurology v.26 Brain stem dysfunction related to cervical manipulation Mueller S;Sahs AL.
- Arch Neurol. Stroke due to vertebral artery injury Katirji MB;Reinmuth OM;Latchaw RE.
- J Nourol Neurosurg Psychiarty. v.50 Dissecting aneurysms of the vertebral arteries following cervical manipulation:a case report Dunne JW;Conacher GN;Khangure M;Harper C.
- Neurology v.39 Dissecting aneurysm of the vertebral artery and cervical manipulation:a case report with autopsy Mas JL;Henin D;Bousser MG;Chain R;Hauw JJ.
- Neurology v.40 Wallenberg's syndrome following neck manipulation Frumkin LR;Baloh RW.
- Neurology v.41 Vertebral artery occlusion and strok from cervical self-manipulation Rothrock JF;Hesselink JR;Teacher TM.
- Arch Phys Med Rehabil. v.74 Thalamic infarction secondary to cervical manipulation Sinel M;Smith D.
- Am J Opthal. v.123 no.6 Visual field loss resulting from cervical chiropractic manipulation Donzis PB;Factor JS.
- J Neurol. v.246 Stroke following chiropranctic manipulation of the cervical spine Hufnagel A;Hammers A;Schonle P-W;Bohm K-D;Leonhardt G.
- Neuroradiology v.9 Rotational obstruction of the vertebral artery at the atlantoaxial joint Barton JW.;Marholis MT.
- Chiropractic technique. Thomas FB;David HP;Dana JL.
- Neurology and neurosurgery illustrated Lindsay KW;Bone I;Callander R.
- Arch Neurol. v.2 Influence of head position upon cerebral circulation:studies on blood flow in cadavers Toole JF;Tuker SH.
- Radiology v.81 Radilolgraphic studies of the vertebral arteries in cadavers:effects of position and traction on the head Brown BSJ.;Tatlow WFT.
- Mayo Clin Proc. v.55 Vertebral-basilar distribution infarction following chiropractic cervical manipulation Krueger BR.;Okazaki H.
- Neurology v.38 Vertebral artery dissection Hart R.
- J Manipulative Physiol Ther. v.22 no.6 Effect of premanipulative tests on vetebral artery and internal carotid artery blood flow:a pilot study Rivett DA;Sharples KJ;Milburn PD.
- J Manipulative Physiol Ther. v.23 no.3 Is there a role for premanipulative testing before cervical manipulation? Licht PB;Christensen HW;Hoilund-Carlsen PF.