- 中成藥分析 孟憲수
- 補注神農本草 吳普
- 湯液本草 王好古
- 本草綱目 李時珍
- 中藥藥理毒理與臨床 李廣勛
- Gen Pharmacol. v.22 no.4 Rat heart anaphylaxis:Influence of mediator antagonists Bakathir,H.A.;Gissler J;Hirschelmann R.
- Br J Pharmacol. v.106 Platelet activating factor and systemic anaphylaxis in Nippostrongylus brasiliensis-sensitized rats:Differential effects of PAF antagonists Mathison, R.;Davison, J.S.;Befus, A.D.
- Pharmacology v.38 Effects of 5-lipoxygenase inhibition on cardiac anaphylaxis in isolated guinea pig hearts Jolly, S.R.;Travis J;Van-Inwegen, R.G.
- Int J Immunopathol Pharmacol. v.7 Investigation on non-genomic effects after glucocorticoid megadoses in rat heart anaphylaxis Brandt, A.;Giessler, J.;Hirschelmann, R.
- Histamine and anti-histaminics Relationship between histamine and the autonomous nervous system Von Euler US.;Rocha e Silva M(eds.)
- J Pharmacol Exp Ther. v.251 Kinin antagonist does not protect against the hypotensive response to endotoxin, anaphylaxis or acute pancreatitis Berg, T.;Schlichting, E.;Ischida, H.;Carretero, O.A.
- Clin Exp Allergy. v.22 Antigen-specific tachycardia and hypotension Lei, H.Y.;Chen, H.I.;Chan, S.H.;Leir, S.S.;Lin, S.B.;Wing LYC.
한국산 생약으로부터 항암물질의 개발(제6부);금은화
$\cdot$ Ethyl Acetate 가용성 분획의 인체 구강유상피암종세포에 미치는 독성작용 한두석(외5인) - CV Mosby Allergy:Princeples and practice Wasserman, S.I.;Anaphylaxis.;Middleton, E.Jr.;Reed, C.E.;Ellis, E.F.(eds.)
- J Allerg Clin Immunol. v.77 The heart in anaphylaxis Wasseman, S.I.
- Acta Allergol. v.18 Shock organ and shock tissue in various animal species Melli, G.;Mazzei, D.;Vitolo, E.;Sacchi, A.;Folli, G.
- Clinical Immunology v.1 Cardiac anaphylaxis:Models,mediators,mechanisms,and clinical considerations.Humanin flammatory disease Levi, R.;Marone(eds.)
- Cir Res. v.65 Cardiac anaphylaxis:Complement activation as an amplification system Balzo, U.;Polley, M.;Levi, R.
- HARRISON'S 내과학 Kurt J Isselbacher.
- 대한한의학회지 v.11 no.2 사백산이 Compound 48/80에 의하여 유도된 Anaphylaxis Shock와 피하반응에 미치는 영향 김민호(외)
- 병리학 대한병리학회
- 동의심계내과학 v.상;하 이경섭(외)
- 동의학사전 김동일(외)
- 실용중의내과학 董黎明
- 신편중성약수책 陳馥馨