- 慶熙大學校大學院 碩士學位論文 桂枝茯笭丸合오령산 및 비해분청음이 Puromycin Aminonucleoside로 誘發된 白鼠의 腎症에 미치는 影響 洪宗秀
- 仲景全書 금궤요약방론(卷下) no.?? 張仲景
- 臟象學 朴贊國
- 中國中西醫結合雜誌 v.13 164例腎炎患者血液流變學指標及其與血瘀證的關係 李國賢;언의;李晴;이빙방
- 東醫臨床內科學 II 安世永
- 和漢醫學雜誌 v.12 ぅシト抗CBM腎炎に對する溫脾湯の效果 服部智久;進藤省一郎;藤塚直樹;目比野智子;寺園芳樹;佐藤俊次;丸野政雄
- 東醫腎系學 杜鎬京
- Kidney Int v.13 A Report of the International Study of Kidney Disease in Children. Nephrotic syndrome in children;Prediction of histopathology from clinical and laboratory characteristics at the time of diagnosis
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- Lancet v.2 HLA atigens and atopic features in steroid-responsive nephrotic syndrome of childhood Thomson, P.D.;Barratt, T.M.;Stokes, C.R.;Turner, M.W.
- Am J Dis Child v.136 T-cell dysfnction in minimal change nephrotic syndrome of childhood Fodor, P.;Saitua, M.T.;Rodriqez, E.;Gonzalez, B.;Schlesinger, L.
- Pediatr Clin of North Am. v.89 no.4 Nephrotic syndrome in Childhood. Management and Treatment in Patients with Minimal Change Disease, Mesangial Proliferation, or Focal Glomerulosclerosis McEnery, P.T.;Strife, C.F.
- 소아과학회지 v.39 no.12 소아의 스테로이드 저항성신증후군의 임상병리학적 고찰 김정수;하일수;정해일;최용
- Kidney Int v.33 The longterm couse of cyclosporin-associated chronic nephropathy Myers, B.D.;Sibley, R.;Newtom, L.;Tomlanovich, S.J.;Boshkos, C.;Stinson, E.; Leutscher, Ja;Whitney, D.J.;Cplon, N.S.;Perlroth, M.G.
- 實用中醫腎病學 張大寧
- 慶熙韓醫大論文集 v.21 no.1 加減胃 湯령및 壯元湯이 Puromycin Aminonucleoside로 誘發된 白鼠의 腎症에 미치는 影響 金鍾大;安世永;杜鎬京
- 慶熙韓醫大論文集 v.19 no.1 六味地黃湯 및 四物湯이 Puromycin Aminonucleoside로 誘發된 白鼠의 腎症에미치는 組織學的 所見 安永敏;安世永;杜鎬京
- 경희의학 v.12 no.2 스테로이드의존성 빈회매발형 신증후군의 치료에 있어서 한방제제인 시령탕과 서양약물인 스테로이드의 병용효과에 대한 연구 두호경;조병수
- 千金翼方 孫思邈
- Lancet II v.II Pathologenesis of lipoid nephrosis: Adisorder of T-cell function Shalhoub, R.J.
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- 精校 黃帝內經素問 洪元植(編)
- Nippon Jinzo Gakkai Shi v.38 no.11 Effect of Onpi-to on TGF-bata 1 in rats with 5/6 nephrectomized chronic renal failure Hattori, T.;Fujitsuka, N.;Kurogi, A.;Shindo, S.
- 서양의학자의 한방진료학 曺基湖;申吉祚(共譯)
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- Pediatr Nephrol v.3 The immunity in minimal change nephrotic syndrome Schnaper, H.W.
- J Am Soc Nephrol v.10 Th 1 and Th 2 cytokine mRNA profile in childhood nephrotic syndrome:Evidence for increased IL-13 mRNA Expression in Relapse Yap, H.K.;Cheung, W.;Murugasu, B.;Sim, S.K.;Seah, C.C.;Jordan, S.C.
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- Clin Exp Immunol v.79 The inductive effect of IL-4 on IgG4 synthesis in human PBL Ishizaka, A.;Sakiyama, Y.;Nakanishi, M.;Tomizawa, K.;Osrik, E.;Kojima, K.;Taguchi, Y.
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- J Am Soc Nephrol v.2 Elevation of interleukin-4 activities and mRNA expression in childhood minimal change nephrotic syndrome Cho, B.S.;Lee, C.E.;Pyun, K.H.
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- J Immunol v.151 Effects of IL-13 on phennotype, cytokine production, and cytotoxic function of human monocyte De Waal Malefut, R.;Figdor, C.G.;Huijbens, R.;Mohan Peterson, S.;Bennett, B.;Culpepper, J.;Dang, W.;Zurawski, G.;De Vries J.E.
- Eur J Immunol v.25 Involvement of interleukin(IL)-13, but not IL-4, in spontaneous IgE and IgG4 production in nephrotic syndrome Kimata, H.;Fugimoto, M.;Furusho, K.
- Nephron Studies of glomerular permeability factor in patients with minimal change nephrotic syndrome Yoshizawa, N.;Kusumi, Y.;Matsmoto, K.;Oshima, S.;Takeuchi, A.;Kawamura, O.;Kubota, T.;Kondo, S.;Niwa, H.